New release: Republishing The Mountain

Ahram Online, Tuesday 26 Apr 2011

Fathy Ghanem's book re-published in a low-priced edition

Al-Gabal (The Mountain) by Fathy Ghanem, Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organization, 2011.

The Family Library readers used to see a photo of the former first lady Suzanne Mubarak on the cover since the series was launched, a tradition that even the most dictatorial countries did not indulge.

At last the General Egyptian Book Organization has published the first book without the infamous photo. It is the late author Fathy Ghanem’s novel Al-Gabal (The Mountain) novel. First published edition in the 60’s, the novel is about the engineer Hassan Fathy’s attempt (without mentioning his name) to build an Egyptian village in South Egypt.        

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