Key war crimes trial witness found dead in Germany

AP , Wednesday 28 Sep 2011

Agim Zogai, a witness in a war crimes trial against a former Albanian rebel commander, granted protected status, was murdered in Germany

An EU spokesman says a key witness in a war crimes trial in Kosovo has been found dead in a park in Germany.

EU rule of law mission spokesman Nicholas Hawton said Wednesday German investigators are looking into the circumstances that led to the death of Agim Zogaj, known as "protected witness X" in the war crimes trial against a former ethnic Albanian rebel commander and now a senior politician, Fatmir Limaj. Hawton did not provide other details.

Zogaj was granted protected witness status in return for his testimony in the Limaj trial.

Last week, a judge working for the EU rule of law mission in Kosovo ordered Limaj, who is a lawmaker with the governing party in Kosovo's Assembly, to spend a month under house arrest, while awaiting trial.

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