Girls attend a class after their school reopening in Kabul on March 23, 2022. AFP
The joy was shockingly brief.
In the middle of a lesson, just hours after the school reopened, she learned the hardline Islamists had revoked permission for girls to study.
"Suddenly we were told to leave until another order is issued," said Azimi, who was returning to grade 12 at Zarghona Girls School in the capital Kabul.
"What have we done wrong? Why should women and girls face this situation? I ask the Islamic Emirate to start our classes."
"I did not sleep the whole night thinking about going back to school again," she told AFP.
Secondary school age girls have been out of education for around a year in many provinces.
Schools were first closed under the previous US-backed government as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, and after the Taliban took power the new rulers reopened all schools for boys.
But girls were allowed to return only to primary schools and were banned from secondary schools in most areas.
The Islamists claimed that schools needed to be adapted so girls and boys could be segregated, despite the vast majority of schools in conservative Afghanistan already operating separate classrooms.
The Taliban's education ministry weeks ago announced that girls' secondary schools would reopen for the start of the new academic year on Wednesday.
The 11th hour U-turn, which has yet to be explained by the Taliban, was a devastating blow for students.
"Our hopes were high but now they are shattered," said Muthahera Arefi, 17, turning around from a Kabul school to head home.
Across the country, groups of jubilant girls had arrived at schools on Wednesday morning carrying their bags and books, greeting their former classmates with grins and chatter.
At Rabia Balkhi school in the capital, girls were not able to even make it through the school gates.
"They denied us entry into the school. It's heartbreaking for my girls," said a mother who asked not to be named.
One of her two daughters, both with a hijab covering their hair, was brimming with tears.
"I was looking forward to meeting my friends again, to be together again," said the girl, who also asked not to be named.
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