Egypt's weekly French newspaper Al-Ahram Hebdo will host an economic conference on 22 November, in partnership with the French Embassy in Cairo and the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on the theme of French Investments in Egypt: Opportunities and Challenges.
The conference will be held from 9 am to 5 pm in Al-Ahram's headquarters on Downtown Cairo's Al-Galaa Street and will include a keynote speech by Investment Minister Dalia Khorshid.
The conference will host three sessions on French companies' success stories and challenges in the Egyptian market as well as investment opportunities in Egypt in the wake of Cairo's recent economic reform measures.
The economic conference will include speeches from the French Ambassador to Egypt André Parant, the chairman of the General Authority for Investments and Free Zones Mohamed Khodear, and the Chairman of the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority Sherif Samy.
It will also include speeches by co-presidents of the French Chamber of Commerce in Egypt Mahmoud El-Kaissy and Hervé Majidier.
The French Development Agency, Agence française de développement (AFD), will also announce its latest contributions to projects in Egypt as well as its contribution to the International Monetary Fund's $12 billion loan to Egypt.
French business representatives will include Schneider Electric, Lafarge, Orange, Crédit Agricole, Axa insurance, Sanofi, and Gras Savoye.
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