Egypt's Zohr field to increase production to 2 bln cubic metres per day in Sept

MENA, Monday 6 Aug 2018

File Photo: Egypt's Zohr gas Field (Photo: Ahram)

The daily production of Zohr gas field will increase to 1.75 billion cubic metres by the end of the month and to 2 billion cubic metres by September, Petroleum Minister Tarek El-Molla has said.

The minister's statement came on Monday as he visited Port Said to view the progress of work at the offshore Zohr field, located in the Egyptian sector of the Mediterranean Sea in the Shorouk concession

The concession covers an area of 3,765 square kilometres and was won by the Italian energy company Eni in 2013.

El-Molla asserted the importance of accelerating the implementation of the stages of the project to develop Zohr field, in order to contribute to achieving self-sufficiency in natural gas in Egypt before the end of 2018.

The minister met with the chairmen of oil companies participating in implementing the project, including those of Petrobel, Enppi, Petrojet and Marine Petroleum Services, to follow up progress achieved so far to reach the targeted level of natural gas production.

Zohr, discovered by Eni in 2015, is the largest ever natural gas find in the Mediterranean Sea. The total gas in place in the field is estimated to be around 850 billion cubic metres. If true, Zohr will almost double Egypt's gas reserves.  


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