Wikileaks: Israel would keep Gaza on the brink of collapse

Reuters and Ahram Online, Wednesday 5 Jan 2011

According to WikiLeaks cables, Israel intended to keep Gaza on the edge of collapse but avoid a crisis

Living on the edge (Photo: AP)

Israel told U.S. officials in 2008 it would keep Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse" while avoiding a humanitarian crisis, according to US diplomatic cables published by a Norwegian daily on Wednesday.

Three cables cited by the Aftenposten newspaper, which has said it has all 250,000 U.S. cables leaked to WikiLeaks, showed that Israel kept the US Embassy in Tel Aviv briefed on its internationally criticised blockade of the Gaza Strip.

The territory, home to 1.3 million Palestinians, is governed by Hamas, which is shunned by the West over its refusal to recognise Israel or accept existing interim Israeli-Palestinian peace deals.

"As part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed to (US embassy economic officers) on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge," one of the cables read.

Israel wanted the coastal territory's economy "functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis", according to the Nov. 3, 2008 cable.

In a speech in January 2008, then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert appeared to spell out that policy, which has since been allegedly eased in the wake of an international outcry over a deadly Israeli raid last May on a Turkish aid ship trying to break the blockade.

"We will not harm the supply of food for children, medicine for those who need it and fuel for institutions that save lives," Olmert said at the time. "But there is no justification for demanding we allow residents of Gaza to live normal lives while shells and rockets are fired from their streets and courtyards (at southern Israel)," he added.

The Israel claims it has significantly relaxed the blockade since May, with goods allowed to enter the Gaza Strip daily. But aid  and humanitarian organisations have showed that Gaza still suffers greatly despite "ease."

Palestinians say impoverished Gaza remains effectively a "prison" sealed off by Israel, and have called for an opening to allow normal trade and other links with the world.

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