Proverb of the day: Because he is lacking in brains, his legs got tiredمن قله عقله تعبت رجليه

Ahram Online , Ahram Online , Saturday 15 Aug 2015

Because he is lacking in brains, his legs got tired

Photo: Ati Metwaly
من قله عقله تعبت رجليه 

Men qellet aqlu te’bet regleh

Translation: Because he is lacking in brains, his legs got tired.

Meaning: Use your head instead of running wild all over the place. This saying, although slightly outdated, is still understood by all and used by the older and wiser. Use it on your friends when they waste time on a useless trip, whereas they could have called and confirmed in advance about that concert, train ride, party, whatever.


Source: Egyptian Proverbs, (Al-Ahram Center for Translation and Publishing, 1986) by Ahmed Taymour Pasha,

Translated by: Nabil Shawkat

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