Elections for electoral lists postponed in three governorates

Ahram Online, Wednesday 14 Dec 2011

Parliamentary elections for electoral lists in Beheira, Sohag and Menoufiya governorates postponed following a court ruling

Parliamentary elections for the electoral lists in the governorates of Beheira, Sohag and Menoufiya have been postponed for a week to 21 and 22 December after an administrative court ruling.

The action comes after some parties were not included on the ballot paper in the second constituencies of Beheira and Sohag and Menoufiya’s first constituency.

Commenting on the decision to postpone voting, Youssri Abdel-Kerim, a member of the Supreme Electoral Commission said: “We took this step out of respect to the court's verdict. We have to implement the court ruling regardless of any difficulties.”

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