Analysis on Trump proposal to relocate Gaza population

Mohamed Ibrahim Eldawiry
Thursday 30 Jan 2025

I will initially strive to maintain a presumption of good faith when addressing the remarks made by US President Donald Trump during his 25 January statement aboard Air Force One regarding the displacement of Gaza’s population.


From his perspective, the devastated Gaza has become an inferno, prompting his call to temporarily or indefinitely relocate approximately 1.5 million of its residents to Jordan and Egypt.

My inclination toward good faith leads me to assume the primacy of humanitarian considerations in Trump’s stance, positing that he views this aspect of the Palestinian issue as a necessary precursor to a permanent and just resolution.  

Continuing this charitable interpretation, I believe Trump’s proposal stems from the unprecedented humanitarian disaster he witnessed in Gaza.

This drove him to advocate for displacement — regardless of his choice of terminology, whether “encouragement,” “cleansing,” or “clean up” — under the pretext of ensuring Gazans live in safer, more stable regions.  

However, it is imperative to address the latent implications of this proposal, which, if implemented, would result in the depopulation of Gaza.

To maintain objectivity, I will raise critical questions to illuminate the proposal’s underlying objectives and feasibility.  

. Why was this proposal introduced so abruptly, mere days after Trump assumed office and following the Gaza ceasefire agreement? Was its timing premeditated? 
. Is this an independent US initiative or part of a phased Israeli plan to be gradually unveiled?  

. Does Trump genuinely believe Jordan and Egypt — despite their unequivocal rejection of displacement — would acquiesce? Was he surprised by their official and public backlash?  

. What guarantees exist that displaced Gazans could return, given Israel’s refusal to comply with UN Resolution 194 (1947) on refugee rights?  

. Could Israel exploit a depopulated Gaza to reoccupy and transform it into extremist settlements?  

. Might Gaza’s displacement embolden Israel to pursue its long-standing plan to relocate West Bank residents to Jordan, viewed by the far right as an “alternative homeland”?  

. With access to global think tanks, why does the US lack alternatives beyond displacing Gazans?  

. Is this proposal a step toward resolving the Palestinian issue or a prelude to its erasure?  

. What mechanisms would Washington employ to enforce relocation — threats or coercion — and would they deploy them?  

. Has Trump witnessed displaced families returning to rebuild their shattered homes in northern Gaza, demonstrating their unwavering attachment to their land?  

Answering these questions transparently leads to one conclusion: the proposal unjustly violates Palestinian rights, reviving the tragedies of 1948 and 1967 without resolving them. It is a right manipulated to justify a wrong.  

Unsurprisingly, this plan will face outright rejection, akin to the “Deal of the Century,” as it aligns with Israel’s agenda to nullify the Palestinian cause.

If Trump genuinely seeks a legacy-defining breakthrough, the US should instead revive a comprehensive vision akin to the 2000 Clinton Parameters, convening stakeholders to negotiate mutually acceptable compromises.  

Despite the challenge of countering America’s unwavering bias toward Israel, we must resist any US-Israeli agreements aimed at dismantling the Palestinian cause.

This requires employing all peaceful means, including unequivocal rejection of the displacement plan, bolstered by logical rationale — neither understated nor exaggerated.  

Collective Arab opposition is crucial to signal to Washington that despite intra-Arab differences, unanimity exists on Palestinian sovereignty.

Any proposal disregarding the Palestinian right to an independent state will be rejected, exacerbating regional tensions.  

Additionally, nations championing human rights must confront Israel’s occupation of Palestine. Regrettably, their actions often betray their proclaimed principles, prioritizing self-interest over justice.  

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