Banque du Caire Signs the UN Principles for Responsible Banking

Wednesday 30 Mar 2022

Banque du Caire
Banque du Caire

March  2022, Cairo – Banque du Caire has become an official Signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking – a single framework for a sustainable banking industry developed through a partnership between banks worldwide and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). 

The Principles are the leading framework for ensuring that banks’ strategy and practice align with the vision society has set out for its future in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Banks who have signed the Principles commit to be ambitious in their sustainability strategies, working to mainstream and embed sustainability into the heart of their business, while allowing them to remain at the cutting-edge of sustainable finance.

Under the Principles, signatory banks measure the environmental and social impact resulting from their business activities, set and implement targets where they have the most significant impact, and regularly report publicly on their progress.  The Principles provide a framework for banks to systematically understand the risks and seize the opportunities arising from the transition to more sustainable economies.

Signatories to the Principles take on a leadership role, demonstrating how banking products, services and relationships can support and accelerate the changes necessary to achieve shared prosperity for both current and future generations, building a positive future for both people and planet. These banks also join the world’s largest global banking community focused on sustainable finance, sharing best-practice and working together on practical guidance and pioneering tools of benefit to the entire industry.

With the latest scientific data proving that the world is on the precipice of irreversible change, the world has begun to take important measures to halt the dangers facing our ecosystem at bay. Banque du Caire recognizes the challenges facing our planet, and so the decision to become active signatories is based on complete faith in the initiative’s ideals and commitments. Always finding ways to contribute to the global movement demanding impactful change that secures a bright future for generations to come.

Banque du Caire joins the industry’s elite in a global effort to create real change when it is needed the most. This is but yet another important step forward taking by Banque du Caire to cement its role at the forefront of regional backers to combating climate change, whether through existing initiatives or developing new ones with regional and national strategic partners.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Tarek Fayed adds:

“At Banque du Caire, our leaders and employees gain a fundamental understanding of the complexities of value-creation, and as a result, we are committed to driving high-profit margins alongside business excellence in a manner that contributes to social development and respect environmental boundaries. This provides us an opportunity to sustain and expand concrete revenue growth in all balance sheet items and expand our market share.”

Media Contacts

Heidi El Nahas – Sector General Manager Corporate Communications and Sustainable Development

Omar El Kallini – Public Relations and Sustainability Manager

More information on the Principles for Responsible Banking:

Short link: