1,001 Things installation at CIC

Ahram Online , Thursday 13 Oct 2011

Collaborative installation project is a chance for Cairo residents to see a part of their home exhibited in CIC, from 30 October

1,001 Things
1,001 Things (Alf Haga We Haga), logo by Adham Bakry

Curated by Helen Stuhr-Rommereim and Ayman Farag, 1,001 Things (Alf Haga We Haga) seeks to present the myriad ways in which we view our homes and identify with the objects in them by creating a home composed of the personal possessions of as many people as possible.

Participants are invited to donate an object – and tell its story – that for them best answers the question: "What makes your home feel like your home?" 

The installation is part of the Contemporary Image Collective's (CIC) 'Working Title' project.

The curators will be giving a talk at CIC on Sunday, 23 October at 7pm to discuss how the project originated.   

Anyone wishing to take part can bring their object to CIC every Wednesday and Saturday, from 11am to 8pm, until 30 October. Outside of these collection days, the curators can also arrange to visit participants in their home.

For more details on how to contribute and the project, visit the 1,001 Things Facebook page.

CIC, 4th Floor, 22 Abdel Khalek Tharwat, Downtown Cairo 

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