Alexandrina World Music Festival III programme

Ahram Online, Thursday 5 May 2011

The Mediterranean city of Alexandria announces the third edition of Alexandrina World Music Festival, an event that gathers Egyptian and international musicians in renowned performances

Alexandrina World Music Festival


Friday 6 May 

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Plaza at 8pm

Wust El-Balad band (Egypt)

Saturday 7 May

Biblioetheca Alexandrina, Small Theatre, at 8pm

Duo Seidenstrasse (Germany / China): Chanyuan Zhao (Vocal) and Benjamin Leuschner (Percussion).

Concert in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Alexandria

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Plaza at 9pm  at 9 pm a

Emerald - Georges Kazazian (Oud - Egypt) and Shady Ahmed (Saxophone - Egypt)

Sunday 8 May

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Plaza at 7pm  

El-Kaffafa Group (Egypt)

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Plaza at 9pm  

Black Theama Band (Egypt)   

Monday 9 May

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Plaza at 8pm

Nafra Ensemble (Malta) 

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Plaza at 9pm 

Massar Egbari band (Egypt)  

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