Marking the Egyptian Revolution with The People is Singular

Ahram Online, Wednesday 18 Jan 2012

A performance art project in New Orleans, USA, on 25 January will use different forms of art and place the revolution in a global arena of struggle


Inspired by the Arab Spring, especially the Egyptian Revolution, poet Andy Young is to launch her book 'The People is Singular' on 25 January, marking the first anniversary of the outbreak of the Egyptian Revolution.

Young is to launch her poetry book at a cultural multimedia event exploring the Egyptian Revolution. “This is much more than a traditional book launch or poetry reading,” says Young on her blog. "The populist and multidimensional expression of poetry and revolution, particularly in our times, inspired a desire to create a more dynamic presentation of the work," she writes.

'The People is Singular' event launches Young’s book of poetry under the same title, alongside photography by Egyptian photographer Salwa Rashad in an interactive experience which celebrates the revolution that inspired the global uprisings still unfolding and is itself ongoing.

According to Young, the event will feature experimental media by artist Kourtney Keller incorporating the use of video installation and projection, alluding to the pervasive role of media in Egypt’s revolution, "an idea also explored in the poems," she says.

Sound engineer Earl Scioneaux will create soundscapes for the poems, bringing in yet another dimension to the event.

There will also be music with folk protest singer Tao Rodriguez-Seeger performing along with Sudanese-born musician Alsarah whose work reflects global influences and struggles from the Spanish Civil War to the American  union movement.

"The global reach of the music will honour the worldwide scope of the uprisings, which have been inspired, in part, by the enormous people power demonstrated, and ongoing, in Tahrir Square," says Young.

The event is taking place on 25 January at Cafe Istanbul at New Orleans' Healing Centre in New Orleans, LA, USA.

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