Google Doodle celebrates Kuwaiti actor and playwright Abdulhussain Abdulredha

Ahram Online , Tuesday 6 Dec 2022

The Google Doodle for Tuesday celebrated the 83rd birthday of late Kuwaiti comedic actor and playwright Abdulhussain Abdulredha.

Abdulhussain Abdulredha


Born on 6 December 1939 in Derwazat Al-Abdulrazzaq, a village in Sharq, Kuwait, Abdulredha is considered one of the most significant Arab actors and playwrights, as well as the father of Kuwaiti comedy.

One of 14 siblings, and the seventh child to a family of Kuwaiti Ajam (Kuwaiti citizens of Iranian origin), Abdulredha was the only member in his family to have achieved high renown in Arab arts circles.

He began in the Department of Printing of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Guidance and Information before moving to Egypt in 1956 where he studied printmaking.

In 1961, he continued his studies in the same field in Germany.

Following the liberation of Kuwait, Abdulredha channeled his passion for the performing arts and presented a play called Sword of the Arabs (1992) tackling the period of the invasion and launching his career in the entertainment industry.

Here, “he found his niche in the tragi-comedy genre, where his comedy shone a spotlight on social issues. Over his fifty-year career, Abdulredha performed and produced over 30 plays and television series. His work precipitated the political and social genre," Google wrote in the note accompanying the Doodle.

He also founded the Funoon TV channel in 2006, which was the first Arabic-language channel to focus on comedy, Google added.

Abdulredha is remembered for his bold social commentary on issues affecting Arab societies and a powerful singing voice.

Abdulredha died of heart attack 11 August 2017 in London. 

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