Easy seated stretching exercises
Do you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or computer? Beware – this can be very hard on your body. You should always take stretch breaks to enhance your posture and reduce stiffness and tension.
Sitting is the new smoking, meaning it’s not good for your health. Researchers have linked sitting for long periods with a number of health concerns, including neck and shoulder pain, heart disease, and diabetes.
Fortunately, the solution is easy. Fitness experts say that a couple of breaks each day will develop and maintain a healthy level of flexibility and productivity and allow your entire body to feel comfortable and keep stiffness at bay.
Here are some recommended stretches using a strong and steady chair to help keep your body balanced and healthy.
Shoulder stretch:
Stand or sit upright. Bring your left arm across your chest, holding it below the elbow with your opposite hand. Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from the ears. Breathe deeply and hold. Do the same on the opposite side. Repeat two or three times for 15 seconds or more depending on how you feel.
Chest and biceps stretch:
Stand or sit upright. Interweave your fingers behind your back and straighten your arms. With arms straight, lift your arms up behind you while keeping your back straight and your shoulders down. Keep the shoulders relaxed and away from the ears. Repeat two or three times for 25 seconds or more depending on how you feel.
Neck stretch:
Sit or stand with your shoulders relaxed and back straight. Bring your left ear towards your left shoulder and hold. Roll your head towards the ground and bring your chin to your chest. Hold and then roll your head to the right and bring that ear to your right shoulder. Inhale and exhale in a slow and controlled manner for 20 seconds or more. Repeat two or three times.
Triceps stretch:
Sit upright or stand. Place your left elbow in your right hand. Reach your left arm overhead, placing the palm on the centre of your back and supporting the elbow in your right hand. Reach your fingertips down your spine. Keep the shoulders relaxed and away from the ears. Hold for 25 seconds or more depending on how you feel. Do the same with the opposite arm. Repeat by stretching two or three times.
Wrist and forearm stretch:
Stand or sit upright. Extend your left arm in front of you, palm facing outwards and fingertips pointing upwards. Use your right hand to apply light pressure to the hand, as if pulling your fingertips towards your shoulder. Keep the shoulders relaxed and away from the ears. Breathe deeply and hold for 20 seconds. Do the same on the opposite side. Repeat two or three times depending on how you feel.
Torso stretch:
Grasp your hands together and slowly raise them above your head and towards the ceiling. Reach as high as you can while inhaling deeply and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Bring your hands down slowly while exhaling. Repeat the action two or three times.
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