Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and this day of love is the perfect time of the year to show people how much you appreciate them, from partners to friends to parents and even your kids and pets.
Since we look to our horoscopes for everything from career advice to friendships to loved ones, why not turn to Zodiac gifts when buying presents? Shopping by Zodiac sign can give you hints to what everyone on your list most adores and wants.
Though chocolate and flowers are classic options, finding the perfect gift can be hard work and require a lot of patience. Luckily, the stars can help to navigate the best presents for everyone on your list.
Here are some gifts that chime with each Zodiac sign according to astrologists:
Aries: To make Aries happy, give them a smartwatch, home office accessories, or a beautiful work-appropriate blouse that can appeal to their competitive and hardworking personalities.
Taurus loves flowers, so you can get them a bouquet or a houseplant. A high-end perfume, a day at the spa, or a gorgeous bathrobe can also make these beauty-loving souls pleased.
Geminis love pens and paper. They’d appreciate a good fountain pen or personalised stationery. A nice overnight bag or a good book could be a perfect gift for Geminis who love reading, travelling, and exploring the world around them.
Cancers can be very family-oriented and could enjoy a customised photo album. For them, home is where the heart is. They love cooking and would appreciate a new pan or a healthy food delivery.
Attention-loving Leos want to dress up and make a statement. Clothing from their favourite fashion designer or a fancy beauty product could make them happy.
Virgos are fond of all things natural and grounded. They’d appreciate some organic beauty products or an activity they can do with their hands. A Virgo’s mind is always working, so a book of crossword puzzles could make them happy.
Libras appreciate beautiful things and art or music. They’d love a silky blouse or pillowcase, pretty earrings, or a piece of art.
Mysterious and deep Scorpios love nice lingerie. A Scorpio woman would love a high-quality leather bag or a beautiful jacket. Scorpios can also be incredibly individualistic and would cherish a personalised gift like a Scorpio necklace.
A positive and optimistic world traveller, Sagittarius would love a passport case, a suitcase, or comfortable clothing like a good pair of jeans or a classic T-shirt.
Eccentric, rebellious, and forward-thinking, Aquarius appreciates technology and cares deeply for the natural world. They love electronics like phones and iPads. Aquarius can also be sensitive to the needs of others. Consider buying a gift for them that gives back.
The imaginative and optimistic Pisces prioritises self-care and would appreciate a luxurious bath robe, fluffy slippers, and beautiful sheets. More creative and emotional Pisces could also love a book of poetry, a book of photographs, or a cinema ticket.
*A version of this article appears in print in the 10 February, 2022 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly.
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