“Till We Meet Again” collaborative virtual exhibition features a galaxy of artists

Reham El-Adawi , Tuesday 9 Jun 2020

Mohamed Omran
Mohamed Omran acrylic on canvas, 2019

The French Cultural Institute

# the French Institute, in Egypt, withyou, at home  

You always dreamed of seeing the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, now you can see it through the study of the Louvre Museum at www.louvre.fr/etudes-d-oeuvre which enables an online study of artworks.

During the quarantine period, you can benefit from what the Higher Education Center of Arts offers in public spaces from a free coursethrough its website. The free course content is provided in French and English.

# the French Institute, in Egypt, withyou, at home offers Microvole, a window through which you can see the artworks of digital museums. 

  Until the opening of the library of the French Institute in Egypt, you can enjoy the digital experience offered by the city of La Villette andits partners from your home.Through this unique experience, you can see the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, and look at the Water Lilies painting for Monet.


The Italian Cultural Institute

The Institute in Cairooffers daily multimedia content to stay updated on the Italian language and culture even during the present situation of sanitary isolation. To follow these digital contents, connect to the institute’s official Facebook page: Italian Cultural Institute and Archaeological Center.

To celebrate the birthday of legendary director Federico Fellini, the first online event from the series "CreativItaly" was dedicated to young Egyptian graphic designers and illustrators. Where graphic designers and artists will be able through a campaign launched via online, which they can follow through the social networking sites of the Institute, to honor Maestro or the pioneer of Italian cinema, through a work that explains how Fellini affected and still affects the images that fill the world of dreams of many artists today.

Through the “Today Drawing” initiative, the Institute commemoratedthe 500 years anniversary of Raffaelloor Raphael (1520-2020),one of the greatest Renaissance painters known for his portraits and the famous frescos murals of the Vatican chambers.


Jameel House

Art Jameel, an independent organisation that supports arts, education and heritage in the Middle East and beyond, has launched Jameel House Online, a programme of free online workshops inspired by the traditional arts. Intended for artists and enthusiasts of all levels, including children, the workshops have been adapted to contemporary materials and tools available around the home. The sessions are delivered by local artists and craftspeople, including alumni from the Jameel Houses of Traditional Arts, Art Jameel’s network of heritage institutions in Jeddah and Cairo, and are available on Art Jameel’s website and social media platforms.Sessions include painting the Flower of Life design with coffee, and making home decorations with geometric stars, both led by Rana AlAmoudi; making traditional kites at home, led by The Aleph Journal; crocheting an eight-pointed star using waste plastic bags, led by Kees Chic; traditional paper-making by hand using scrap card and paper, led by Ammar Jiman; and ornamental drawing with Islamic geometry, led by Marwa Turkestani.

These free online workshops offer an opportunity for artists of all levels of experience to try their hand at crafts.
For more information visit artjameel.organd join the conversation on Instagram @art_jameel, @jhtajeddah, @jhtacairo, @ateliercairo| Facebook Art Jameel, Jameel House in Cairo, Atelier Cairo Art Jameel| Twitter @art_jameel


Mashrabia Gallery of Contemporary Art

10 and 15 Mahmoud Bassiouny St, Downtown, Tel 02 25784494
“Dawestashy: A Focus on the Early Work” art show byEsmat Dewestashyis reflecting on his accomplishments (30 May - 10 June).  

“Serendipity” byIbrahim El-Haddad. In continuation with his last solo exhibition “Simple Things” held at Mashrabia gallery, El-Haddad returns with a new body of work deeper and more powerful than ever, yet imbued with a strong sense of calm and vulnerability. (13 June - 30 July (opening Saturday 13 June from 12pm - 5pm). P.S: Because of the curfew, the gallery’s open hours have slightly been modified: Daily except Friday from 11am to 6pm. 



TAM.Gallery has launched its fourth consecutive edition of the Summer Affordable Art Show on 17 May, featuring over 150 of your favourite Egyptian contemporary artists. You can visit the gallery to see the exhibition in person during its regular working hours (Sunday to Thursday from 10am to 3:30pm).

The show will be running all summer, with new art being added periodically.



20 Hassan Sabry St, (entrance from Ibn Zinki St), Zamalek, Tel 0100 2792223

The gallery continued its efforts to support Cairo’s contemporary art scene bringing together a selection of Cairo’s top galleries under the theme “Till We Meet Again”. This is UBUNTU’s way to make visible the outstanding artworks from its collections as some doors remain temporarily closed.

Till We Meet Again” is a collaborative virtual exhibition byArt Talks, Misrgallery, Nile gallery, Picasso gallery, Tintera, Ubuntu gallery and Zamalek gallery, the works are available at the galleries websites.


*A version of this article appears in print in the 11 June, 2020 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly

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