Novelist and journalist Rasha Samir and Dr. Hossam Badrawy
The American University in Cairo
Thurs 13- Fri 14, all day: “Nelson Mandela University: 1st Annual African Family Business Research Conference”, online webinar features visiting assistant professor Ashraf Shetaas a keynote speaker who will be taking part in this conference offering researchers in Africa the opportunity to share and showcase their research and contribute to the world of family business management and governance. Themed UMOJA, meaning to strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race. The theme links to the topics that will be covered at the conference, which include values, succession, innovation, career choice, and role of parents, social responsibility, and sustainable reporting.
Cervantes Institute
TheInstitutein Cairo has modified its course programme to suit the current circumstances by offering its courses online in a way that has met with great success among students.
It offers various courses; a course in Spanish, a course in improving grammar, speaking, writing, so that learning Spanish is among the activities that students carry out in their homes to endure this period.For full information flock to https://elcairo.cervantes.es/eg/courses_spanish/july_december_general.htm
TheInstitutecontinues to encourage its students to read during this period of lockdown by providing links to many of the works included in the electronic library of Cervantes Institute’s branches.
Diwan Bookstore
Diplo, North Coast
Fri 14, 8-10pm: In an adventurous andspontaneous act, the half Swiss banker,halfEgyptian adventurer author Sherif Loutfiwill bein Diwan to meetwith you and sign your copy of his book Half.
159, 26thof July St, Zamalek, Tel 012 22407084
Wed 19, 9pm: Diwan announced the start of its “Monthly Book Club” in July, which is run by novelist and journalist Rasha Samir. On Wednesday, she will discuss with politician, physician and educator Hossam Badrawy his book On the Café of The Dreamers of Tomorrow, in a live broadcast from the Diwan page on Facebook.
The French Cultural Institute
The Instituteadvisesyou tostay at home to prevent coronavirus and to protect your loved ones.It offers you a variety of entertainment and educational proposals to do in your home alone or with your family.
The institute offers new remote distance French language courses for adults(Semi-intensive course on Friday and Saturday (two lectures / 3 hours per week): from 7 Augustto 26 September) and children (All summer from 2pm to 4pm) at Mounira and Sheikh Zayed branches. To register for placement tests, call 0122 7484951 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or email the institute on [email protected].
General French courses online for adults at Heliopolis and New Cairo branches (Extended course from 9 August to 18 October and Intensive course from 9 August to 9 September). In addition, new remote distance French language courses for adults at Alexandria branch, for reservation go to [email protected]
The institute announces a new course for children online, from 7 to 17 years old at the Heliopolis and New Cairo branches (Intensive course from 9 August to 9 September, Send the registration request to the following e-mail:[email protected] Or you can send your phone number and e-mail in a message on the institute's Facebook page.
Goethe Institute
Goethe InstituteCairo offers its courses online. Try it for yourself and make sure that online courses lead to the same success as traditional classes. You can enjoy the institute’s home-learning offers on its official website. On Onleihe, you can find German films, music and books for free. All information is readily available on the Corona page. The Goethe Institutewebsite is at
The Italian Cultural Institute
The Institute in Cairooffers daily multimedia content in several categories representative of the best of the Italian cultural industries, including literature, language, art, cinema, and archeology. To stay updated follow these digital contents and connect to the institute’s official Facebook page: Italian Cultural Institute and Archaeological Center and it’s other social channels: Instagram and Twitter.
As for the teaching of the Italian language, the Institute continues to provide its students at home with courses covering all levels of the language taught.
“Parla come mangi” (Speak as you Eat) is the first video series created by IIC Cairo and dedicated to students of the Italian language which was edited by the institute’s professors of the Italian language courses, which search and even display various expressions of the vernacular Italian language, which is often similar to the Egyptian one, in addition to gestures, sayings and lifestyles.
*A version of this article appears in print in the 13 August, 2020 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly
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