At hall number 44 on the Egyptian Museum's first floor, a temporary exhibition telling the story behind a collection of recuperated stolen and illegally smuggled artefacts will open on Thursday.
The exhibition opens on the tenth annual Archeologists Day, a celebration organised by the antiquities ministry.
The exhibition is also being held to highlight the efforts made by the ministry to protect Egypt's heritage and in recovering stolen artefacts that were smuggled out of the country following the January 2011 uprising.
Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh Eldamaty told Ahram Online that the exhibition will put on show a collection of 226 objects from different eras of Egyptian civilizations that have been recovered from France, England, Denmark, Germany and the United States in 2014 and 2015.
"This is the fourth exhibition of its kind," Eldamaty said.
The exhibition will last until the end of November.
The General Supervisor of the Egyptian Museum Khaled El-Enany also told Ahram Online that the ministry succeeded in recovering 722 artefacts.
50 were returned to Egypt in 2015, while the rest were returned in 2014.
El-Enany continued to say that Egypt proved its possession of 36 stolen and illegally smuggled objects to Spain and 122 to the United States.
Among them were three sarcophagi of an ancient Egyptian woman named Shesibemtisher, a coffin of a Graeco-Roman nobleman, 99 coins and five statuettes carved in stone.
El-Nany added that the ministry succeeded in stopping the sale of a unique ancient Egyptian statue that was on show in an auction hall in Germany in June, as well as a collection of 46 beads carved in faience that were on display in a jewelry exhibition in Berlin.

Exhibition invitation
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