The Egyptian Museum in Tahrir will host tomorrow for the first time a collection of King Khufu papyri discovered at Wadi El-Jarf port, 24km south of the Zaafarana area and 119km from the town of Suez.
The papyri were discovered in 2013 by a Franco-Egyptian mission led by French Egyptologist Pierre Tallet and Egyptian Egyptologist Sayed Mahfouz. It shows the daily life of workers at this port during the reign of fourth dynasty King Khufu.
The papyri also show that workers at Wadi El-Jarf port participated in the construction of the Great Pyramid in Giza, which indicates the highly efficient administrative system during Khufu's reign.
Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany says that these papyri are the oldest known examples of Egyptian writing. They predate the El-Gebelein papyri, which date back to the end of the 4th dynasty, and the Abusir papyri, which date to the end of the 5th dynasty.
Hussein Abdel-Bassir, head of Scientific Publication Department at the ministry, said that one of the papyri, that of a middle-ranking official called Merer who was in charge of a team of sailors, is the one of the most important papyri of Khufu.
The papyrus gives an everyday account of the work of this crew in transporting limestone blocks from the quarries of Turah on the east bank of the Nile to the pyramid of Khufu at the Giza Plateau through the Nile and its canals.
Museum curator Sabah Abdel-Razek said that most of these papyri are accounting documents, and that they indicate that Khufu held power for 26 years, which contradicts earlier estimates on how long he was pharaoh.
During the event at the Egyptian Museum where the papyri will be displayed, the first-ever organised exhibition for replica production and books published by the ministry, will be held at the rear premises of the museum.
Amr El-Tibi, executive director of the Archaeological Replicas Production Unit at the ministry, explains that during the 15 days of the exhibition, sculptors will be producing clay and copper replicas live to show visitors how ancient Egyptians made their pottery.
A discount of 20 percent will be offered by the ministry on all replicas and a discount of 75 percent will be offered on all books published before 2011 and 20 percent on those after 2011.

preparation for the replica exhibition
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