Speaking against the backdrop of the Great Pyramid of Khufu at the Giza Plateau, Issa explained that the corridor, nine metres long and 2.1 metres wide, was discovered at the northern face of the pyramid as part of a project ongoing since 2015.
US, French, German, Japanese, Canadian, and Egyptian universities took part in the project in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and the Supreme Council of Antiquities under the supervision of an international scientific and archaeological committee chaired by Egyptologist Zahi Hawass.
Five non-destructive techniques were used to explore the chevron area at the northern face of the Great Pyramid from 2016 to 2022: the infrared, muography, georadar, ultrasound, and architectural and 3D simulation). Several voids were detected
The results are accepted for publication in famous international scientific journals, such as Nature, based on the recommendation of the Archaeological Scientific Committee chaired by Hawass.
The conference was attended by former ministers of tourism and antiquities Khaled El-Enany, Hawass, and Mamdouh El-Damaty, as well as former minister of high education and scientific research Hany Helal.
Hawass said that according to the preliminary interpretation of ScanPyramids members the most probable function of the corridor is to relieve stress and weight from whatever structures lie below, including the opening and upper part of the Descending Passage, around 7 m below.
“We note that the gabled blocks forming the ceiling of the newly found corridor distribute the weight down and to either side, away from the corridor. The function of the corridor is probably similar to the function of weight-relieving chambers above the horizontal passage and antechambers in the Meidum Pyramid. The ceilings of the Meidum relieving chambers are corbeled, rather than gabled," Hawass said.

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