Muslim Brotherhood MP to sue news portal

Yasmine Fathi , Saturday 4 Dec 2010

Muslim Brotherhood MP for Shubra says reports that he will compete in tomorrow's elections are "completely inaccurate"

Muslim Brotherhood MP Dr Hazem Farouk has said he will sue the Arabic Youm El Saba news portal for publishing a story that he will compete in tomorrow's run-offs despite brotherhood's decision to boycott.

Farouk, the area's former MP who was competing for the professional seat in El Sahel's constituency in Shubra, said that media allegations that he will participate in tomorrow run-off's despite the group's prior announcement that they will withdraw is "completely inaccurate."

"We are taking El Youm El Saba to court for the information they published," Farouk said. He was quoted as saying that he would not be backing off from the elections as had been announced by the group. 

The Brotherhood failed to secure any seats in last Sunday's elections despite an 88-seat stronghold in the outgoing parliament. Despite seeing 27 candidates go through into the second round, the group decided to withdraw from tomorrow's run-offs due to the heavy vote-rigging that allegedly took place.

Earlier today, El Youm El Saba had released a story saying that they had a "huge surprise" from sources close to Farouk who alleged that "he will be the first to ignore the group's decision to withdraw". The story continued by saying that Farouk's decision caused "an environment of anxiety," within the brotherhood and pressure was being put on him to change his mind.

"All the Brotherhood members are adamant to keep their decision that we will boycott this year's elections," Dr.Gamal Nasser, the group's spokesperson, told AhramOnline. "We say thank God for sparing us the pain of being members of such a forged parliament."


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