Rami Lakah wins court case

Yasmine Fathi , Friday 26 Nov 2010

Business tycoon Rami Lakah is allowed to continue his electoral campaign in Shubra

A late night court session rules in favor of Egyptian businessman Rami Lakah.

A 2:30 a.m. High Administrative Court session ruled that Lakah who is running for the professional  seat in the Shubra and Mahmasha district can continue his campaign after they verified that he dropped his French citizenship and was exempted from military service and fitted all the stipulations required by the High Electoral Commission.

This is a victory of truth and honesty over lying and deceit,” Lakah told Ahram Online.

The case began at 9:00 am yesterday but lasted late into the night, says Lakah.

Lakah, is a French Egyptian businessmen who fled from Egypt after his debts piled up in 2001. The businessman won a seat in the 2000 parliament for the Daher district but his membership was declared null and void because of his dual citizenship.

“I have now dropped my French citizenship,” says Lakah.

Lakah who is a member of the Wafd party is running against Abdel Fatah Doweidar, an independent and  Fady El Habashy from the NDP.

Lakah has opened ten offices in the district which offer services to the area residents. The offices have been open for two months. He has also been visiting different areas of the district as part of his campaign.

Opponents have questioned Lakah’s decision to run in Shubra, since he is not from the area. But Lakah brushes the accusations aside.

“Part of my family is from Shubra and I really think I can help the area and provide many missing services,” says Lakah. “I am confident that I am going to win this.”

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