New Release: 'Nile River: The myths... the rights, Egyptian-Ethiopian Conflict'

Mohammed Saad , Sunday 9 May 2021

The new book looks at ancient Egyptian myths around the Nile, the historical lifeline of Egypt and the current water conflict over the Ethiopian Dam

Nahr Al-Nile (Nile River: The myths.. the rights and Egyptian-Ethiopian Conflict), by: Ahmed El-Sayed El-Naggar, (Cairo: Dar Al-Maraya), 2021.

Dar Al-Maraya publishing house has released a new book titled 'Nile River: The myths.. the rights and Egyptian-Ethiopian Conflict,' by Writer and Researcher Ahmed El-Sayed El-Naggar.

The book deals with the current conflict between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), which threatens the water shares of Egypt and Sudan flowing from Ethiopia.

The book offers a look at the legal frameworks between the three countries in terms of dividing the water shares of rivers and the agreements between Egypt and the Nile Basin countries.

The author takes a look at the inner dynamics of Ethiopia, a country comprised of many ethnic groups and a futile social fabric. The author also alludes to the fact that Ethiopia is a landlocked country that has always been engaged in regional strife with its neighbours.

The book focuses on reading in to the development of Egypt's relationship with the Nile basin countries and the 2015 Entebbe Agreement. El-Naggar also offers his take on Egypt's official strategy to develop its water resources until 2050.

Ahmed El-Sayed El-Naggar, born in 1959, was the former CEO of Al-Ahram Establishment and is a well-known economic researcher and writer. He earned his degree from the Faculty of Economics and Political Studies at Cairo University in 1984.

El-Naggar also won several prizes for his books that cover many aspects of economic studies and issues. 

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