In his new exhibition, artist Ali Abdel-Mohsen depicts the particulars of a deteriorating society
Slow War, the fourth solo exhibition by artist Ali Abdel-Mohsen, is due to open at Cairo’s Mashrabia Gallery of Contemporary Art on 15 January.
Capturing the particulars of a deteriorating society sits at the heart of Abdel-Mohsen’s Slow War.
Abdel-Mohsen merges “line drawings and acrylic colours with dirt and cigarette ashes on the surfaces of disused cardboard boxes to convey his impressions of decline in contemporary society.”
As such, the exhibition is influenced by “a dystopic world of nihilism and paranoia.”
“The individual plays no role: his subjects are faceless victims of the system. A personal way to undermine the dictatorial reality he lives in, it turns art into a means for everyday social and civil resistance,” reads the exhibition's description.
The exhibition runs between 15 January and 16 February
Mashrabia Gallery of Contemporary Art, 8 Champollion St, Downtown, Cairo
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