Search Result
" Luxor"

669 results

Egypt - Politics
12/23/2011 5:09:52 PM
Anti-SCAF demos erupt in Alex, Suez, Assuit, Luxor, and Tanta to coincide with Tahrir Square's 'Friday of Regaining Honour'

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
12/23/2011 4:00:10 PM
The Avenue of Sphinxes on Luxor’s east bank is to be partly opened in March

Books -
12/22/2011 4:16:25 PM
Youssef Zidan's new novel tracks one man's journey from sleepy Upper Egyptian tourist city to Guantanamo Bay detention centre

Egypt - Politics
12/20/2011 4:18:01 PM
Labour strike by water company employees in Upper Egypt is reportedly stopped in its tracks by gun-toting villagers

Folk - Folk Arts
12/13/2011 6:34:24 PM
The Annual exhibition of pottery and tapestry handicrafts of Garagos Artists is back in town

Arts & Culture - Film
12/12/2011 12:50:45 PM
Nine African countries to participate in Luxor's first African Film Festival in February

Folk - Folk Arts
12/11/2011 2:58:11 PM
From the heart of Upper Egypt, authentic handcrafts are now on exhibition in Cairo

Elections 2011 - News
12/5/2011 3:38:33 PM
Six polling stations temporarily shut in Luxor governorate following gunfight; troops contain situation and voting resumes amid heavy security presence

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
12/1/2011 2:29:20 PM
Project to restore the colossi of Memnon on Luxor’s west bank to go ahead, says Supreme Council of Antiquities

Egypt - Politics
10/30/2011 1:11:19 PM
Fugitive Yasser El-Hamboli and his gang have more firearms and ammunition than the Ministry of Interior, says a security source

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
10/11/2011 6:47:36 PM
The project is funded by USAID, which has a history of collaboration with the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
10/8/2011 12:35:20 PM
Polish, American and German archaeological missions are given government authorisation to resume important works in Luxor and Aswan

Arts & Culture - Film
10/4/2011 5:16:44 PM
With the Cairo International Film Festival cancelled this year, cities normally associated with tourism are planning to hold their own events

Egypt - Politics
9/26/2011 3:29:40 PM
Strikers call for better pay and conditions and removal of administration head

Egypt - Politics
9/24/2011 3:04:01 PM
Teachers in the Upper Egyptian city of Luxor march across the ancient city, joining the nation-wide school teachers strike action which peaked Saturday in tens of thousands marching in downtown Cairo

Business - Economy
9/23/2011 4:51:25 PM
Strike enters its twelfth day as rumours spread of concessions by management

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
8/17/2011 9:48:04 PM
The avenue, built in the 30th Dynasty, has been somewhat neglected, but will be open to visitors later this year

Arts & Culture - Visual Art
8/16/2011 4:54:59 PM
A graphic design professor at the fine arts college in Luxor has made a design to commemorate the martyrs of the January 25 Revolution

Egypt - Politics
7/28/2011 11:14:29 AM
Ayman Abul Liel was moved to Sharm El-Sheikh hospital after requesting to be treated the same way as ousted president Mubarak, but will return to Luxor for his father's funeral

Egypt - Politics
7/13/2011 7:47:04 PM
Protest against Cabinet and military council's handling of affairs escalates into hunger strike

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