Search Result
" Egyptians"

2470 results

Multimedia -
5/15/2013 11:02:42 PM
Scores of Egyptian demonstrators express solidarity with their dispossessed Palestinian brethren on 65th anniversary of 1948 'catastrophe' (All photos by Mai Shaheen)

Egypt - Politics
5/14/2013 9:05:52 PM
Largely forgotten by officials in Cairo, scores of Egyptians continue to languish in Israeli prisons - some of whom were reportedly detained for aiding Palestinian resistance

Life & Style - Food
5/14/2013 2:44:45 PM
Two Egyptians studying in Spain want their compatriots to savour the flavours of tapas, so they flew in Chef Paco from Barcelona to whip up a tasting at Risas Lounge 14 - 16 May

Life & Style - Food
5/13/2013 11:44:36 AM
How often do Egyptians eat out? What do they like to eat? What are world-wide statistics on restaurant habits?

Egypt - Politics
5/11/2013 6:32:48 PM
Saad El-Katatni expresses hope that new Free Egyptians Party head Ahmed Saied will lead the party to a more cooperative outlook

Egypt - Politics
5/11/2013 4:28:45 PM
Interior minister announces arrest of three Egyptians – with possible links to Syria-based militants – suspected of planning domestic terrorist attacks, including one on foreign embassy

Egypt - Politics
5/10/2013 6:40:12 PM
Two Egyptians killed in Libya as a century old building crumbles

Egypt - Features
5/8/2013 12:39:51 PM
Videos of brutal public executions have become increasingly common in Egypt. Experts say lynching phenomenon could spread to major cities

Egypt - Politics
5/7/2013 7:10:02 PM
Two Egyptians working in Yemen have been kidnapped

Multimedia -
5/6/2013 5:22:49 PM
On Monday 6 May, Egyptians celebrated the annual spring holiday of Sham El-Nasim, having picnics and eating traditional fish dishes

Multimedia -
5/1/2013 10:37:47 PM
Political Parties and Labour Unions March on Labour Day

Multimedia -
5/1/2013 8:00:03 PM
On the occasion of Labour Day, hundreds set out to Cairo's flashpoint Tahrir Square to voice solidarity with Egypt's long-suffering workers (All photos by Mai Shaheen)

Egypt - Politics
5/1/2013 3:34:31 PM
Egyptian tourists will not require visas for short visits

Multimedia -
5/1/2013 11:33:40 AM
A group of young eco minded Egyptians hold workshops on how to build low cost solar water heaters - believing the sun could be the solution to Egypt's energy crisis

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
4/27/2013 5:26:19 PM
Ahram Online gets to the bottom of the viral pictures of the Senefru pyramid that scares many Egyptians precious monuments are falling apart

Egypt - Politics
4/24/2013 10:24:28 AM
Ouda Trabin, an Israeli-Bedouin jailed for espionage in 2000, begins hunger strike, says innocent of charges

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
4/22/2013 7:55:49 PM
Rare leather fragments uncovered recently in the depths of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square will help Egyptologists to solve the mystery of the Pharaohs’ leather chariots

Egypt - Politics
4/22/2013 2:58:28 PM
A spokesman for the Israeli army faces strong criticism from Egyptians after posting old photographs of a visit to the country

Books -
4/18/2013 6:05:07 PM
Cairo's Alef Bookstore hosts book signing for political analyst Mohamed El-Agati's latest publication on Egyptian voter turn out and its political landscape on Saturday

Egypt -
4/18/2013 1:24:35 PM
Direct flight takes Egyptian tourists from Cairo to Iran for first time since Islamic revolution in 1979

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