Search Result
" Fethullah Gulen"

223 results

World - Region
12/24/2021 4:38:47 PM
Turkey froze the assets of 770 Turkish nationals and a Chicago-based foundation, according to a decision published Friday in the country's official gazette.

World - Region
6/10/2021 11:46:56 AM
Before Gulen became Erdogan's arch-enemy, the elderly US-based cleric -- who denies any part in the coup -- was one of his closest and most powerful allies

World - Region
6/9/2020 1:29:28 PM

World - Region
5/8/2019 8:04:56 PM
The AKP in Turkey is ready to “use any means against the opposition” to prevent it from future electoral gains

World - Region
4/17/2019 7:53:59 PM
After the “shocking” loss of major cities in local elections, Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) took steps to block the electoral outcome

World - Region
2/22/2019 4:52:05 PM

Opinion -
12/20/2018 7:04:53 PM
The actions of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the past year have had enormously adverse effects on his country’s international standing

World - Region
12/14/2018 11:35:55 AM

World - Region
12/1/2018 9:43:59 AM
Ankara’s obsession with the Kurdish question has again pitched Turkey against Washington, as well as Moscow

World - Region
11/17/2018 4:31:11 PM

World - Region
10/17/2018 6:30:13 PM
In the end, Erdogan caved in, releasing a US detainee he demonised without restraint. Now, he may find Washington soon pressing other demands

World - Region
10/1/2018 9:26:47 PM

World - Region
9/27/2018 1:16:53 PM

World - Region
9/26/2018 9:26:14 PM

World - Region
8/4/2018 7:08:04 PM

Analysis -
7/28/2018 9:12:27 PM
Erdogan cemented emergency powers into a new presidential system at which he is at the helm. But while he has a grasp on political power, the markets often have a mind of their own

World - Region
7/28/2018 3:00:13 PM
Human Rights Watch Turkey Director Emma Sinclair-Webb warns against the status of rights inside the country following Erdogan’s re-election last month

Analysis -
7/13/2018 11:03:22 AM
Erdogan had hoped for some congratulatory words from Washington when he won the recent presidential elections. It was not to be

Opinion -
7/11/2018 5:26:06 PM
In the wake of a string of fixed election results in Turkey, the country’s opposition must organise to force President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to step down from power

World - Region
6/23/2018 11:25:37 AM

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