Search Result
" Joe Biden"

1979 results

Opinion -
4/22/2021 11:07:00 AM
US President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan after a 20 year presence in the country could lead to a dangerous resurgence of terrorism

World - International
4/21/2021 9:00:00 AM
President Joe Biden said in televised remarks,'This can be a giant step forward in the march toward justice in America'

World - Region
4/19/2021 4:49:08 PM
US President Joe Biden's administration has said it is ready to remove 'all sanctions that are inconsistent' with the accord, but not spelled out which measures it means

World - International
4/18/2021 8:56:51 PM
President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that the United States will withdraw its remaining 2,500 troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of the al Qaeda attacks that triggered America's longest war

World - International
4/18/2021 11:31:51 AM
Last month US President Joe Biden said he thought his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin was a 'killer' and Moscow recalled its ambassador to Washington for consultations

World - International
4/18/2021 10:33:04 AM
The United States and China, the world's two biggest carbon polluters, agreed to cooperate to curb climate change with urgency, just days before President Joe Biden hosts a virtual summit of world leaders to discuss the issue

World - International
4/15/2021 3:40:31 PM
Relations have been in free fall since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine and fighting erupted between Kiev's forces and pro-Russia separatists in the east

World - Region
4/15/2021 1:39:30 PM
The attacks have mostly been claimed by shadowy Shia armed groups aligned with Iran who are demanding the Biden administration set a pullout date for Iraq

World - International
4/15/2021 9:46:51 AM
Armed rebels in the mostly Russian-speaking eastern region seized government buildings and proclaimed 'people's republics' in the Donetsk and the Luhansk regions

World - International
4/15/2021 9:34:32 AM
The action will add a new chill to the already frosty relations between Washington and Moscow, which has tested the West's patience with a military build-up near Ukraine

World - International
4/14/2021 10:33:41 PM
Both leaders underlined the importance of close coordination and cooperation as well as continued political commitment for the country, Seibert added

World - International
4/14/2021 6:56:56 PM
Biden said the final withdrawal would start on May 1 and end by 11 September

World - International
4/14/2021 3:01:25 PM
U.S. President Joe Biden plans to withdraw his country's remaining 2,500 troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11 - 20 years to the day after the al Qaeda attacks on U.S

World - Region
4/12/2021 12:58:40 PM
Natanz, in Iran's central Isfahan province, hosts the country's main uranium enrichment facility

World - International
4/9/2021 1:28:37 PM
The sanctions announced Thursday freeze any assets held by the Myanma Gems Enterprise in the US or in US jurisdictions and bar American citizens from doing business with it

World - International
4/8/2021 10:06:22 PM
The Russian buildup has become the latest point of friction in icy relations between Moscow and US President Joe Biden's administration, adding to disputes over arms control, human rights and other issues

World - Region
4/8/2021 11:00:41 AM
Biden's decision to restore US aid to the Palestinians to the tune of $235 million marked a sharp break with the policy of his staunchly pro-Israel predecessor Donald Trump

Opinion -
4/8/2021 10:10:00 AM
Three major strategic shifts in the regional landscape could redraw the map of the Middle East

World - Region
4/7/2021 10:31:32 PM
The package, including humanitarian, economic and development assistance, was detailed by US Secretary of State as part of an effort to repair American ties with the Palestinians

World - Region
4/7/2021 10:08:08 AM
Fighting has been raging in the mountains outside Marib as Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, who hold Yemen's capital of Sanaa, attempt to seize the city, which is crucial to the country's energy supplies

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