Search Result
" Kim Jong Il"

48 results

World - International
12/1/2012 11:46:12 AM
North Korea announces it will launch a satellite in mid-December, the country's second launch attempt under leader Kim Jong Un

World - International
4/12/2012 12:29:39 PM
Late North Korean leader's final wish was that his nation develop nuclear weapons as 'the way to keep peace' on the peninsula, claims a defector

World - International
2/25/2012 2:59:37 PM
Joint US-South Korea drills desecrate mourning period of late leader Kim Jong-Il and infringe on country's sovereignty, says North Korea

World - International
1/25/2012 3:35:48 PM
US and South Korea prepare for military exercises amid increased sabre-rattling from the North since Kim Jong-il's death on 17 December

World - International
1/12/2012 12:14:09 PM
Late North Korean leader King Jong Il's to be displayed at Pyongyang's Kumsusan Memorial Palace, where the embalmed body of his father Kim Il Sung lies

World - Region
12/31/2011 1:54:50 PM
North Korea announced Saturday that Kim Jong Un has been officially named supreme commander of the military, further strengthening his authority after the death of his father, longtime North Korean leader Kim Jong Il

World - International
12/30/2011 11:10:38 AM
North Korea declares the reopening of tourism by January 10 after the death of leader Kim Jong-II, asserting no policy change towards the neighboring South Korea for 'rubbing salt' into the wounds of its grieving people

Arts & Culture - Film
12/28/2011 4:26:39 PM
Late North Korean strongman Kim Jong-Il enjoyed an elaborate personality cult at home but he was also a favorite of Western popular media, which found him to be a time-tested source of laughs

World - International
12/27/2011 1:57:29 PM
The ritualized funerals for recent Korean presidents may be observed closely for signs of support to the 'eternal' president's heir

World - International
12/26/2011 12:19:38 PM
Kim Jong Il’s son, Kim Jon Un, is elevated to the title of Central Committee leader of the Workers’ Party, two days after North Korea's military leaders pledged their loyalty to him

World - International
12/25/2011 12:20:59 PM
North Korea on Sunday lashed out at South Korea for a perceived lack of respect towards Kim Jong-Il

World - International
12/24/2011 2:22:04 PM
North Korea vows to uphold with 'blood and tears' Kim Jong Il's son as supreme commander as the country builds up the untested young man in preparation for a third generation of the Kim family dynasty

World - International
12/23/2011 12:59:52 PM
After the death of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, the country's political future seems to present a source a concern for China and the United States, especially with Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions

World - International
12/20/2011 10:57:55 AM
Kim Jong-Il's sudden death puts the fate of nuclear-armed North Korea in the hands of a young dictator-in-waiting whose penchant for tyranny - or desire for reform - remain a mystery

World - International
12/19/2011 3:40:35 PM
North Korea urges its people to rally behind Kim Jong-Il young son and heir-apparent Kim Jong-Un

World - International
12/19/2011 11:27:44 AM
Kim Jong Il, North Korea's mercurial and enigmatic longtime leader, died of heart failure

World - International
12/19/2011 11:27:17 AM
Japan's prime minister urges his ministers to strengthen information gathering efforts and boost security coordination after North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il dies

World - International
9/26/2011 3:30:34 PM
China and its neighbour North Korea are emphasizing trade and investment ties during a visit this week by Pyongyang's prime minister amidst China's efforts to restart talks on ending the North's nuclear programs

World - International
9/13/2011 2:59:26 PM
First joint military exercises to be staged by Russia and Korea next year following an agreement to expand ties during Kim Jong-Il's visit to Russia

World - International
9/9/2011 12:01:20 PM
Kim Jong-il, the North Korean leader and his son attend an anniversary parade, suggesting that his son will be his successor following reports of ill health

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