Search Result
" bomb attack"

575 results

World - International
6/13/2012 12:14:01 PM
Ten suspected Italian anarchists arrested for involvement in 2009 and 2011 bomb attacks carried out in Italy, Frankfurt and Paris

World - International
6/10/2012 3:08:56 PM
Attacks target two churches in north and central Nigeria; angry christian youth are dispersed by police after setting up blockades

World - International
6/4/2012 5:37:26 PM
Boko Haram claims Nigeria church bombing, warns journalists against biased reports about the group

World - International
6/4/2012 1:06:11 PM
Death toll of a suicide bombing outside Shia endowment in Baab Al-Muadham, central Baghdad, rises to 22 while a further 65 people were injured

World - International
5/20/2012 1:47:48 PM
The public prosecutor responsible for the investigation of the school bombing in Italy that killed a 16-year-old girl said Sunday that it was probably an isolated attack

World - Region
5/10/2012 11:47:42 AM
Two blasts target military intelligence building in Syrian capital Damascus, government reports 40 deaths; UN observer team leader condemns violence

World - International
4/27/2012 3:55:05 PM
At least 27 people were injured in four bomb attacks in Ukraine’s eastern industrial city of Dnipropetrovsk

World - Region
4/19/2012 10:09:26 AM
Bystanders bare the brunt of several bomb attacks across Iraq, police say Al-Qaeda suspected

World - Region
4/16/2012 3:09:06 PM
4 Shiites are killed as sectarian tensions are on the rise in Iraq instilling fears of a repeat of the 2006-07 clashes that almost led to civil war

World - International
4/10/2012 2:13:42 PM
Taxi drivers and passers-by main victims in recent Nigerian Easter Sunday bombing

World - International
4/9/2012 6:26:05 PM

World - International
4/8/2012 2:20:36 PM
Car bomb in Nigerian city of Kaduna kills at least 20 on Easter Sunday in suspected repeat of Christmas-Day attacks by militant Boko Haram group

World - International
4/8/2012 11:46:20 AM

World - International
4/8/2012 10:58:01 AM
A bomb explosion is heard in Nigeria's Kaduna after authorities warn of attacks on Easter Sunday

World - Region
4/4/2012 10:51:53 AM
At least five people are killed and ten wounded in a bomb attack that targeted the local police chief in Baghdad near the town of Dhuluiyah

World - International
3/31/2012 1:58:38 PM
A hospital worker says bomb attacks hit the centre of the Muslim-majority Malay region in Thailand set near houses on fire, killing 9 people and wounding more than 100

World - Region
3/25/2012 4:39:53 PM
Nigerian army kills at least three members of Boko Haram militia in fierce armed clashes in northern city of Maiduguri, following months of bombs attacks by the radical group that linked to Al-Qaeda

World - Region
3/21/2012 12:13:37 PM
Iraqi government beefs up security in Baghdad eight days ahead of the Arab Summit, after a wave of nationwide gun and bomb attacks killed 50 people and left 255 others wounded

World - Region
3/13/2012 2:50:17 PM
An air strike on Tuesday kills 5 Al-Qaeda militants following death of 3 policemen in an car-bomb attack in Yemen's Bayda province

World - Region
3/3/2012 2:04:06 PM

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