Search Result
" jihadists"

1009 results

World - Region
4/13/2018 1:04:42 PM

World - Region
3/28/2018 10:56:16 PM

World - Region
3/21/2018 9:07:38 PM

Opinion -
3/8/2018 4:30:44 PM
Sageman says the international media's image of the jihadist as an desperate, brainwashed young bachelor with no diploma is usually false, but are all his assessments convincing?

Opinion -
1/16/2018 12:21:42 PM
Initially, Jihad was defensive -- aimed to expel non-Muslim invaders -- but later it clearly changed in practice

World - International
1/11/2018 9:09:42 PM

World - Region
1/4/2018 12:01:34 PM

World - Region
12/30/2017 5:24:59 PM

World - International
12/11/2017 9:38:13 PM

Opinion -
12/5/2017 10:59:19 AM
With the rising number of jihadists among European non-Muslim citizens comes an increasing need for de-radicalisation. But is there one programme that suits all?

World - International
10/9/2017 11:46:00 AM

World - Region
10/4/2017 9:15:50 AM

World - Region
9/20/2017 1:14:18 PM

World - Region
9/19/2017 1:34:24 PM

World - Region
9/13/2017 7:32:50 PM

World - Region
9/5/2017 7:40:22 PM

World - Region
8/20/2017 9:13:59 AM

World - Region
8/19/2017 4:05:31 PM

World - Region
7/29/2017 4:16:06 PM

World - International
7/25/2017 5:29:29 PM

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