8/28/2023 11:40:30 AM
In the third and final part of the Exploring the Red Land series, Ahram Online visits Wadi Skeit, one of the oldest gateways of Ancient Egyptian Civilization and home to emerald mines and ancient Roman settlements.
Inspiring Minds
7/26/2023 10:00:00 PM
Egyptian anthropologist, human rights activist and designer Shahira Fawzy lived a life with 'no margins' among the desert tribes of the Red Sea.
7/22/2023 12:03:00 PM
Ahram Online camped in one of Egypt's most beautiful protectorates, in a first of a series to explore the Red Land. Guided by a seasoned expert in desert and sea exploration, this expedition promises to unveil the secrets of the land and its people, taking readers on a historical tour like no other.