Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 4:42:12 PM
The Egyptian public's desire for 'law and order' - personified by Mubarak-era PM Ahmed Shafiq - is likely to play a decisive role in Egypt's first post-Mubarak presidential contest
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 3:58:35 PM
At Saturday campaign rally in Alexandria, presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi says recent 'mistakes' by the Brotherhood could not be compared to crimes committed by former regime
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 3:08:34 PM
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 2:23:33 PM
6/10/2012 1:11:48 PM
Activists reject claims of presidential contender Ahmed Shafiq, who seemed to suggest last week that the Islamist group attacked demonstrators during 2011's 18-day uprising
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 10:32:29 AM
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 10:00:12 AM
In low expat turnout in Algeria, Morsi gains highest votes
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 9:57:53 AM
Shafiq gains majority expat votes in the north African nation
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 9:47:59 AM
Morsi gains highest number of votes in the northern European country
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 9:45:05 AM
Shafiq receives highest votes in both Paris and Marseille
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 9:35:46 AM
Morsi garners 79% of Bahrain expat vote
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 9:01:19 AM
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/10/2012 8:52:40 AM
6/9/2012 6:57:08 PM
Confrontation between the ruling military and the Muslim Brotherhood is coming to a head amid protests against the presidential candidacy of old regime stalwart Ahmed Shafiq and as the constitution remains unwritten
6/9/2012 2:32:47 PM
The defendants' lawyers ask to question Ahmed Shafiq after he claims the Muslim Brotherhood was involved in the attack on protesters during the infamous 'Battle of the Camel'
Presidential elections 2012
Presidential elections news
6/8/2012 5:05:17 PM
With the first round of the presidential elections yielding up an Islamist and a member of the former regime, Egypt's revolutionaries have been thrown into a quandary about who to vote for in the runoffs. What are their options?
6/8/2012 4:13:48 PM
March led by football Ultras and April 6 Youth Movement arrives in Tahrir Square to join anti-Ahmed Shafiq protest on 'Determination Friday'
6/8/2012 12:05:16 AM
For many the elections run-off choice between the military and the Brotherhood is unbearable and they prefer to boycott. Revolutionary forces should respond by focusing now on how to build a third way
6/7/2012 3:30:39 PM
State Commissioner's Authority declares key articles of parliamentary electoral law unconstitutional, SPEC illegally referred Disenfranchisement law - calling Egypt's elections into question
6/6/2012 8:24:48 PM
Former chief of Democratic Front Party, Osama El-Ghazali Harb, comes out in support of Mubarak PM Shafiq in the presidential race