Search Result
" Air strikes"

1047 results

World - Region
3/3/2011 12:16:07 PM
Fresh air strikes in Brega and Ajdabiyah which had been reinforced by rebels after Gaddafi forces pushed back

World - Region
3/2/2011 6:35:00 PM
Embattled leader Gaddafi warns foreign powers that any military intervention in Libya will lead to increased violence, whilst opposition figures call for air strikes against Gaddafi's strongholds

World - Region
2/24/2011 11:13:15 AM
Rocket fired out of the Gaza Strip brings out Israeli warplanes

World - Region
1/13/2011 5:29:34 PM
Hamas movement Thursday announced it will deploy its security forces on the border with Israel to enforce the truce on rocket firing

World - Region
1/12/2011 5:27:29 PM
Israel renewed its air strikes in the Gaza Strip, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of the consequences if Palestinian rocket fire continued

World - Region
1/10/2011 12:53:37 PM
Twin air strikes were launched on the Gaza Strip overnight, the Israeli army said

World - Region
12/29/2010 3:30:17 PM
Palestinian factions held a meeting yesterday to discuss Israel's recent air strikes on Gaza.

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