Ancient Egypt
9/26/2011 2:13:29 PM
After the delivery of Abdel Fatah's resignation as secretary general of Egypt's antiquities council, he meets with the prime minister, who takes steps to resolve budget problems amidst archaeologists' protests
Ancient Egypt
9/22/2011 11:02:44 AM
The Egyptian Cabinet has declined the resignation of Supreme Council of Antiquities Secretary General Mohamed Abdel Fatah while the latter vows not to return until gaining full authority
Ancient Egypt
9/20/2011 7:16:57 PM
Mohamed Abdel Fatah explains his decision in an exclusive interview with Ahram Online
Ancient Egypt
9/20/2011 2:06:45 PM
Continued protests at SCA may have driven out recently appointed Secretary General, Mohamed Abdel Fatah, out
Ancient Egypt
9/20/2011 1:49:36 PM
Greco-Roman artefacts recovered from Melbourne storehouses to return home
Ancient Egypt
9/12/2011 6:51:56 PM
After a meeting on Monday, the UN agency pledged to support restorations in Memphis' Necropolis and help introduce training courses for curators of the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation
Ancient Egypt
9/10/2011 6:48:19 PM
Tourism and Antiquities Police capture an antiquities' theft gang red handed while trying to sell their stolen goods
Ancient Egypt
9/5/2011 5:08:06 PM
Restoration work on the Djoser Step Pyramid is to be resumed next week
8/28/2011 3:38:58 PM
The Supreme Council of Antiquities and activists launch a campaign to rescue the archaeologically significant Al-Muiz Street from encroachment
Ancient Egypt
8/27/2011 6:00:03 PM
The Supreme Council of Antiquities decided to schedule its debts in order to resume restoration and development projects anticipating return of tourists
Ancient Egypt
8/18/2011 1:33:20 PM
Mohamed Abdel Fatah is the newly appointed Secretary General of the Supreme Council Antiquities filling the post once made famous by
Ancient Egypt
8/17/2011 9:48:04 PM
The avenue, built in the 30th Dynasty, has been somewhat neglected, but will be open to visitors later this year
Ancient Egypt
8/15/2011 4:10:08 PM
Will 2012 mark the end of Tutankhamun's international tour?
Ancient Egypt
8/14/2011 5:23:56 PM
A reddish sandstone stelae from the reign of the 26th Dynasty King Wah-Ib-Re has been excavated at Ismailiya
Ancient Egypt
7/30/2011 12:39:40 PM
After nearly nine decades of pertaining to New York's Metropolitan Museum collection, artifacts from Tutankhamun’s tomb return in Egypt to be displayed
7/19/2011 3:51:02 PM
Egyptian Cabinet says El-Banna, who claims he declined to ignore old cases of corruption, was asked to decline the post of minister after he provoked hostility among ministry staff
Ancient Egypt
7/18/2011 3:12:04 PM
Prime minister Sharaf cancels the nomination of the Abdel Fatah El-Banna as minister of state for antiquities
7/16/2011 4:53:33 PM
Timor Pasha's sword and dagger, which some have claimed are missing, will be exhibited at the Museum of Islamic Arts tomorrow
7/14/2011 4:42:11 PM
The necklace remains on display in Alexandria, says the Supreme Public Funds Prosecutor
Ancient Egypt
7/13/2011 4:01:10 PM
Bronze coins and clay vessels stolen from the Qantara East archaeological magazines were recovered