Search Result
" Ayat Al Tawy"

203 results

Egypt - Politics
1/16/2015 12:42:58 PM

Egypt - Politics
1/7/2015 6:21:46 PM
Recent dropping temperatures and high winds have led to minimal destruction in the Egyptian coastal city

Egypt - Politics
1/6/2015 3:11:00 PM
Weather forecasters say the recent stint of cold in Egypt is likely to keep a firm hold until at least until Friday, with temperatures reaching their lowest on Wednesday and Thursday

Egypt - Politics
1/4/2015 5:01:00 PM
As parliamentary elections approach in 2015, Ahram Online lists the most frequently asked questions, and their answers, on Egypt's new parliamentary system and the law governing legislative elections

Egypt - Politics
12/10/2014 9:29:22 PM
Parties are concerned about fair and balanced representation in proportion to the number of voters in electoral districts, and that election results could be legally questioned on this basis

Egypt - Politics
12/6/2014 12:28:29 PM
A staunch opponent of the 2013 ouster of Mohamed Morsi, Youssef Qaradawi is sought by Egyptian authorities on a variety of charges, including incitement to murder, vandalism and theft

Egypt - Politics
11/30/2014 10:59:44 PM
What does the dismissal of murder case against toppled president Hosni Mubarak mean? Ahram Online presents a helpful list of questions and answers

Egypt - Features
11/30/2014 6:33:30 PM
Conditions at home are continuing to drive Egyptians abroad, even to strife-torn Libya

Egypt - Politics
11/29/2014 1:18:47 AM

Egypt - Politics
10/26/2014 1:54:23 PM
Among the convicted are activist Sanaa Seif, lawyer and activist Yara Sallam and photojournalist Abdel Rahman Mohamed

Egypt - Politics
9/28/2014 7:23:40 PM
A new draft law will let university heads expel staff members without legal action - which critics say opens the door to breaches of power and corruption

Egypt - Politics
9/11/2014 1:25:31 PM
Earlier this week Sudan claimed that a border region between the two countries falls under its electoral constituency, which Egypt has dismissed

Egypt - Politics
8/13/2014 12:45:13 PM
For the first time since the drawn-out process began-with a trial and retrial, former strongman Hosni Mubarak and sons will defend themselves Wednesday in court

Egypt - Politics
8/13/2014 10:39:22 AM
Mubarak was due testify in his defence for the first time since he was brought to trial in late 2011 after the 18-day popular revolt forced him from power

Egypt - Politics
7/29/2014 5:00:00 AM
Talking to passengers, drivers and street vendors in Giza bus station reveals an Egypt torn between hope and despair, amid consensus that endemic problems of everyday life persist

Egypt - Politics
6/11/2014 11:00:22 AM
Iconic Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel-Fattah and 24 other co-defendants are sentenced in absentia to 15 years and LE100,000 fines on charges related to a protest held in Cairo last November

Egypt - Politics
4/14/2014 1:54:39 PM
Egyptian doctors plan to hinder administrative procedures – such as issuing medical certificates for driving licences – in a new escalation to their months-long strike

Egypt - Politics
3/31/2014 3:36:49 PM
Images of Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi donning a tracksuit while riding a bike and chatting with passersby go viral online

Egypt - Politics
1/24/2014 5:24:00 PM
Large blast at central Cairo police headquarters on Friday morning is followed by smaller explosions in Dokki, Talbiya and Haram

Egypt - Features
10/31/2013 1:48:29 AM
Ahram Online spent the day in the midst of the turmoil at Egypt's top Islamic institution after an Islamist demo sparks violence and police enter premises off-limit to security forces for 3 years

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