Search Result
" Barakat"

155 results

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
6/30/2015 3:24:01 PM
Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat was killed by a car bomb in Heliopolis on Monday

Egypt - Politics
6/30/2015 3:03:50 PM
Judges are to work throughout the summer to close all ongoing cases in all courts

Egypt - Politics
6/30/2015 1:52:43 PM

Egypt - Politics
6/30/2015 1:23:13 PM
Egypt's top prosecutor Barakat, who was killed in a bomb attack on Monday, was buried in family cemetery following a military funeral led by President El-Sisi

Egypt - Politics
6/30/2015 12:54:41 PM

Egypt - Politics
6/30/2015 11:34:37 AM

Egypt - Politics
6/30/2015 10:00:00 AM

Egypt - Politics
6/29/2015 8:03:56 PM
Prosecutor-general Hisham Barakat was assassinated earlier on Monday

Egypt - Politics
6/29/2015 6:30:23 PM
Hisham Barakat has died from wounds sustained in a bomb attack targeting his convoy earlier on Monday

Egypt - Politics
6/29/2015 6:28:29 PM
Egypt's General-Prosecutor Hisham Barakat was killed earlier Monday after a bomb attack on his convey

World - Region
5/3/2015 4:28:53 PM

World - International
4/6/2015 9:29:56 PM

Books -
3/26/2015 11:32:36 AM
The £60,000 award which recognises one writer for his or her achievement in fiction, is awarded every two years to a living author

World - International
2/17/2015 7:33:41 PM

World - Region
2/14/2015 4:53:24 PM

Multimedia -
2/12/2015 3:08:18 PM
Students of several US universities organise vigils for Deah Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammed and her sister following their murder on Wednesday

Arts & Culture - Screens
1/18/2015 9:42:30 AM
The 'Lady of the Arabic Screen' passed away on Saturday at the age of 84

Arts & Culture - Screens
11/13/2014 9:09:45 PM
36th Cairo International Film Festival Special celebrates Egyptian director Henri Barakat with exhibition and screening of his masterpiece The Sin on Friday, 14 November

Egypt - Politics
11/11/2014 10:28:14 AM
Two drivers involved in a crash that killed 18 people in the Nile Delta last week have been referred to court

Egypt - Politics
9/25/2014 3:01:47 PM
Life imprisonment for the Salafist Call's Abdallah Barakat and the Muslim Brotherhood's Hossam Marghany

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