Search Result
" Doctor Syndicate"

116 results

Egypt - Politics
10/18/2012 9:20:54 PM
After 10 days on strike with no progress in negotiations, Egypt's doctors call for Sunday protest in front of the Ministry of Health

Egypt - Politics
10/18/2012 5:35:56 PM
Egypt's doctors warn syndicate leaders not to work against strike which they claim has widespread support and has not harmed a single patient

Egypt - Politics
10/8/2012 7:03:39 PM
Doctors will not listen to 'anti-strike' leadership of Doctors' Syndicate as industrial action enters 'decisive week', strike committee says

Egypt - Politics
10/7/2012 11:22:29 AM
Doctors resume partial strike at Egyptian hospitals on Sunday after three-day suspension; Doctors' Syndicate leader to meet PM Hisham Qandil to discuss healthcare system reforms

Egypt - Politics
10/2/2012 5:23:13 PM
Assistant minister of health reports declining participation rate in nationwide strike - now in its second day - by Egyptian doctors

Egypt - Politics
10/1/2012 10:19:17 PM
At Monday press conference, Doctors Syndicate's strike committee reports high participation rate among doctors in public hospitals nationwide to demand more spending on profession

Egypt - Politics
10/1/2012 9:35:25 PM
Doctors' groups claim that a majority of eligible doctors have joined the strike, but the Ministry of Health denies this

Egypt - Politics
9/30/2012 7:27:49 PM
Egypt's doctors will start a partial strike 1 October to pressure authorities in their long battle for better national healthcare

Egypt - Politics
9/26/2012 4:57:35 PM
Wasat Party spokesman says doctors' demands to increase health appropriations, ensure better health service and higher pay are 'legitimate'; announces support for 1 October partial strike

Egypt - Politics
7/30/2012 11:33:57 PM
Egyptian Doctors Syndicate to spearhead new campaign aimed at exposing failures by police to secure nation's hospitals

World - Region
3/1/2012 3:33:38 PM
Interventionist debate dominates conference on 'assistance' to Syrian pro-democracy movement as speakers shift focus to topics of Arabism, Zionism and imperialism

Egypt - Politics
12/26/2011 5:20:00 PM
At press conference in doctors syndicate, physicians say military attacks against them by army and police during recent clampdown on protesters was systematic; demand respect for medical mission

Egypt - Politics
10/20/2011 11:57:00 AM
After 30 years on top of the syndicate, the Muslim Brotherhood has failed to connect with and represent a new generation of doctors open to pressing the government for the sake of their profession

Egypt - Politics
10/16/2011 5:17:21 PM
The Muslim Brotherhood flexes its political muscles as it closes in on an overwhelming victory in the Doctors’ ‎Syndicate elections

Egypt - Politics
5/1/2011 4:42:44 PM
3,000 doctors overflowed in Cairo streets outside of their GA meeting where they decided to go ahead with the strike on 10 May, listing a set of demands

Egypt - Politics
4/4/2011 2:29:48 PM
The chairman and treasurer of the Doctors Syndicate are accused of channeling syndicate money to political causes

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