Search Result
" Downtown Cairo"

351 results

Arts & Culture - Visual Art
2/12/2011 8:00:00 AM
The world knows the works of British artist Banksy, French Jef aerosol, and many other graffiti – and stencils – creators. One of the by-products of the Egyptian revolution are stencils found in Downtown Cairo

Egypt - Politics
2/10/2011 4:57:59 PM
As hundreds of thousands continue to occupy downtown Cairo, a new front is being opened in Egypt's battle for democracy as industrial action erupts all over the country

Arts & Culture - Music
2/7/2011 5:27:00 PM
To demonstrate their solidarity with the anti-Mubarak camps in Tahrir Square, situated in downtown Cairo, the Eskenderella Band performed in the middle of the square after 13 days of continuous protests

Multimedia -
1/27/2011 5:31:45 PM
Egyptians, demanding political change, clashed with the security forces in running battles in downtown Cairo on Wednesday.

Egypt - Politics
1/27/2011 7:58:41 AM
Downtown Cairo Wednesday saw scenes of further anger against the regime as protesters attempted to retake the city centre, only to be dispersed by a heavy security presence

Egypt - Politics
1/26/2011 4:59:35 PM
Police hit hard at protesters in downtown Cairo as government cracks down on Internet access

Books - Review
1/26/2011 1:34:26 PM
Mekkawi Said reveals a different map of Downtown Cairo, telling the history of its people and places, with illustrations and photographs bringing its stories to life

Multimedia -
1/26/2011 2:40:47 AM
Man carried bleeding from aftermath of Tahrir Square breakup by police. Protesters accused the police of firing tear gas and rubber bullets to break up the downtown Cairo occupation.

Egypt - Attack on Egypt Copts
1/3/2011 6:14:27 PM
Copts and leftists maintain protest demonstrations in downtown Cairo and the district of Shubra today

Egypt - Politics
1/1/2011 11:55:00 PM
In an ominous turn, Egyptian activists have declared solidarity with Tunisian rioters. They are set to demonstrate in downtown Cairo on Sunday, in a protest that may unite causes, condemning Saturday's church bombing too

Egypt - Politics
12/29/2010 7:44:16 PM
A solidarity demonstration with Tunisia is planned for Sunday 2 January at 5 pm in downtown Cairo

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