Search Result
" Eid Al Fitr"

195 results

Egypt - Politics
8/7/2013 11:12:40 PM
In a televised speech on the eve of Eid Fitr, Egypt's interim president said that ongoing attempts to end violence had failed; Wasat Party agrees to talk; western officials call for peaceful solutions

World - International
8/7/2013 9:26:54 PM

Egypt - Politics
8/7/2013 9:00:00 PM
Islamic holy month of Ramadan will end on 7 August, according to Dar Al-Ifta religious authority

Egypt - Politics
7/21/2013 11:40:25 AM
Islamic holy month of Ramadan will end on 7 August, according to National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics

Egypt - Politics
8/20/2012 4:28:14 PM
Cairo's poorly-kept zoo failed to attract the usual stream of holidaymakers during Eid Al-Fitr; conditions remain subpar, children left unsupervised

World - Region
8/20/2012 11:46:56 AM
Syrians lived the first day of Eid al-Fitr under shelling that targeted their homes, leaving at least 135 people dead and many others injured in addition to mass devastation to buildings in Damascus and Aleppo

World - Region
8/19/2012 3:10:38 PM
Vocal Iraqi Sunni leader is wounded in car bomb during Eid al-Fitr festival, in one of the most violent months experienced in the conflict-ridden nation

World - Region
8/19/2012 1:21:38 PM
Khartoum's Guidance and Endowments minister is killed along with thirty-one others in a plane crash, on their way to South Kordofan for Eid al-Fitr holiday celebrations

World - Region
8/19/2012 12:07:13 PM
President Bashar al-Assad appears in public for Eid al-Fitr prayers, as state television airs footage of him along with several officials praying in Damascus main mosque

World - Region
8/19/2012 11:44:19 AM
As part of a heightened verbal war of words over Iran's nuclear crisis, in Eid al-Fitr holiday President Ayatollah Ali Khamenei dubbs Israel a 'cancerous tumour'

Egypt - First 100 days
8/17/2012 12:11:33 AM
Following Ramadan evening prayers, President Morsi gives speech on religious issues, congratulates Egyptian people on occasion of upcoming Eid Al-Fitr holidays

Egypt - Politics
8/16/2012 8:33:16 PM
First day of Islamic Eid Al-Fitr holiday will fall on Sunday, according to officials from Egypt's National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics

World - International
9/4/2011 2:01:49 PM
Talks have started between Pakistani tribal leaders and Afghani Taliban militants about the 40 tribal youth that Taliban sequestered along the border region during the Eid Al-Fitr holiday

Egypt - Politics
8/29/2011 5:28:21 PM
The Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists have been vying each other to control venues and spots designated for the feast prayers

World - Region
8/5/2011 4:20:30 PM
Jordanian youth groups say they are planning to enlarge their pro-reform demonstrations in Amman and other Jordanian cities during the holy month of Ramadan and for the Eid-al-Fitr festival

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