Search Result
" Every Brilliant Thing"

7 results

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
9/13/2023 2:00:06 PM
Directed by Ahmed El-Attar, the interactive theatre play Every Brilliant Thing translated into Egyptian Arabic will be performed in Beirut on 21 and 22 September

Al-Ahram Weekly - Theater
9/27/2022 8:26:16 PM

Al-Ahram Weekly - Culture
7/19/2022 9:26:03 PM
Duncan Macmillan's play Every Brilliant Thing was staged in Egyptian Arabic at the Rawabet Art Space in Cairo

Arts & Culture - Entertainment
6/14/2022 11:19:16 PM
Ahram Online highlights a selection of do-not-miss events this week (15-21 June) in Cairo and on streaming platforms.

Arts & Culture - Art Alert
6/14/2022 10:57:24 AM
A translated version of ‘Every Brilliant Thing’ is scheduled to be rerun four more times this month between 17 and 20 June at Rawabet Art Space, where it originally premiered on 13 May and ran multiple times till 17 May.

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
5/22/2022 3:55:43 PM
Performed at Cairo’s Rawabet Art Space on five consecutive evenings between 13 and 17 May, Every Brilliant Thing invited the audience to approach depression in a joyous and hopeful manner.

Arts & Culture - Art Alert
5/12/2022 5:18:32 PM
British playwright Duncan Macmillan’s interactive masterpiece Every Brilliant Thing will premiere in colloquial Arabic at Rawabet Art Space from 13 to 17 May.