Search Result
" Girl"

738 results

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
8/25/2014 4:40:52 PM
'House of Dreams' brings ballet classes to young girls from Brazil's Favelas

World - Region
8/19/2014 10:32:41 PM

World - Region
8/19/2014 10:27:00 PM

Arts & Culture - Film
8/18/2014 6:22:07 PM
Mohamed Khan's acclaimed film Factory Girl will be shown at Wekalet Behna in Alexandria on Thursday 21 August

Arts & Culture - Film
8/11/2014 7:28:50 PM
The newly released promo of the upcoming Malmo Arab Film Festival includes Egyptian films Factory Girl, Vila 69 and The Ferry

World - International
8/7/2014 7:36:06 PM

Arts & Culture - Film
8/3/2014 2:11:45 PM
Directed by Academy nominee Richard E Robbins, Girl Rising will be screened in the Bridges Cultural Centre, Zamalek, on Tuesday, 5 August

Egypt - Politics
7/29/2014 1:00:31 PM

World - Region
7/27/2014 9:28:19 AM

World - Region
7/26/2014 3:54:51 PM

Egypt - Politics
7/16/2014 5:50:51 PM
Minya Criminal Court sentences to death a 19-year-old convicted of raping and killing a five-year-old girl

World - Region
7/14/2014 11:20:49 AM

World - International
7/13/2014 5:14:33 PM

Arts & Culture - Film
7/13/2014 2:31:55 PM
Films from Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine and Jordan, including Mohamed Khan's Factory Girl, will be screened at the Riverside Theatres in Sydney, Australia, this August as part of the 2014 Arab Film Festival

Arts & Culture - Film
7/7/2014 3:14:43 PM
The 20th MedFilm Festival opened on Friday in Rome with Mohamed Khan's Factory Girl, one of several Egyptian films to be screened until 11 July

World - Region
7/1/2014 10:23:38 PM

Egypt - Politics
6/28/2014 10:20:24 AM
Bomb said to be planted in a call centre under construction kills girl, injures parents

World - International
6/25/2014 8:43:44 AM

World - International
6/24/2014 12:38:24 PM

World - Region
6/17/2014 9:01:38 PM

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