Search Result
" HRW"

345 results

World - Region
12/9/2014 10:27:33 AM

Egypt - Politics
12/3/2014 12:26:57 PM
Judge who presided over 'conspicuously unfair' trial of Al Jazeera journalists sentenced 188 people to death for killing police officers

World - Region
12/3/2014 11:02:06 AM

Egypt - Politics
11/27/2014 1:03:14 PM
Acquittals in the first trial for female genital mutilation prompt Human Rights Watch to call on the Egyptian government to take "clear action" to end the practice

World - Region
11/19/2014 3:21:34 PM
Both sides in Yemen conflict accused of breaching laws of war during clashes in September

Egypt - Politics
11/17/2014 5:06:12 PM
Human Rights Watch says a recent law which expands military trials for civilians is a "nail in the coffin of justice in Egypt"

World - International
11/6/2014 2:52:17 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/5/2014 11:29:33 AM
Egyptian rights groups pulled out of the review citing fears of persecution by authorities; HRW wants UN to condemn recent government record

Egypt - Politics
10/30/2014 3:07:22 PM
Government-appointed committee says its report, which will not be made public, reaches 'decisive' findings on violence that followed the ouster of president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013

World -
10/24/2014 9:17:46 PM

World - Region
10/23/2014 5:51:51 PM

World - Region
10/19/2014 1:42:56 PM

Egypt - Politics
10/15/2014 3:46:32 PM
The New York-based NGO said in its latest report that Egyptian authorities should release more than one hundred arrested Egyptian students

World - Region
9/30/2014 1:49:49 PM

Sports - Omni Sports
9/18/2014 2:53:38 PM

Egypt - Politics
9/9/2014 8:44:00 PM
HRW called for the immediate release of seven men who were arrested on charges of "debauchery" after appearing in an alleged same-sex marriage video

World - Region
9/9/2014 4:24:10 PM
HRW report condemns Israel's 'transparently abusive' treatment of Eritrean and Sudanese migrants

World - Africa
9/9/2014 9:04:07 AM

World - Region
9/8/2014 5:12:49 PM
Human Rights Watch calls for restraint as violence flares and says warring militias could face international prosecution

World - International
9/8/2014 4:35:30 PM

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