Search Result
" Hany Abo Rida"

12 results

Sports - Egyptian Football
11/30/2024 5:16:43 PM
The Egyptian Football Association (EFA) newly elected president, Hany Abo Rida, said he supports Egypt coach Hossam Hassan. He also refused any comparisons between football development in Egypt and Morocco.

Sports - Egyptian Football
4/12/2021 2:33:12 PM
The FIFA World League is suggesting collecting winners of all continents' competitions, including Europe, Africa, Asia, and all other continents to play an international competition

Sports - Egyptian Football
7/16/2020 6:26:10 PM
Hany Abo Rida was formerly head of the Egyptian Football Association, resigning in 2019

Sports - Egyptian Football
10/15/2018 2:45:16 PM

WorldCup2018 - News
7/3/2018 5:49:49 PM

Sports - National Teams
10/8/2017 11:18:13 PM

Sports - Egyptian Football
6/28/2017 9:34:52 PM

Sports - Africa
3/17/2017 11:22:51 AM

Sports - Egyptian Football
3/17/2017 10:42:10 AM

Sports - National Teams
3/16/2017 2:57:45 PM

Sports - World
6/7/2015 3:22:25 PM
The FIFA scandal is related to an American-Russian political conflict and only FIFA can stop Russia hosting the World Cup, says Egyptian official Hany Abo Rida

Sports - National Teams
10/13/2013 2:03:06 PM
Egyptian Hani Abou-Rida says Ghana exaggerating security problems in Egypt, World Cup playoff won't be moved