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" Islamists"

1812 results

Egypt - Politics
3/22/2011 1:42:50 PM
Saturday's referendum concerned articles of the constitution related to presidential elections, the presidential term and emergency law. How, then, did religion come to dominate the debate, and influence the voting?

Egypt - Politics
3/18/2011 12:22:48 PM
After decades of repression, the Islamist movement in Egypt is enjoying unprecedented openness, thanks to the revolution. This may not translate into greater strength, however

Egypt - Politics
3/17/2011 7:42:17 PM
Egypt's Islamist movement, in all its trends, is proving to be the main support for the constitutional amendments to be put to a popular referendum on Saturday, along with the formerly ruling National Democratic Party

Egypt - Politics
3/17/2011 7:26:45 PM
The man widely considered to be the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood underlines that the group does not seek to seize power in parliamentary elections

Egypt -
3/12/2011 1:34:00 PM
The 25 January Revolution opened new spaces of freedom not only for the youth, but also for radical Islamists

Egypt - Politics
3/9/2011 3:04:04 PM
The eruption of religious sectarian strife, peaking in yesterday's clashes and killing 13 protesting the burning of a church, may have been instigated by a state security body bent on revenge and counter-revolution

Opinion -
3/4/2011 11:39:09 AM
Now that the revolution has exposed the myth that the region will fall into the hands of Islamists if its dictators fall, Egyptians must guard against the tricks of the old regime as they move towards a civil state

Opinion -
3/1/2011 12:48:27 PM
It would be more judicious to look beyond the Constitution's declaration of Islam as Egypt's state religion and source of legislation than be weighed down in semantics on the path to a free nation

World - Region
2/25/2011 5:18:21 PM
Around ten thousand Jordanians protest in Amman calling for constitutional reforms aiming to curb the King's power

World - Region
2/25/2011 12:42:01 PM
Jordanian opposition groups starts their "day of Anger" in Amman with heavy security presence

Egypt -
2/23/2011 2:24:46 PM
Islamists back investment and free markets, says Brotherhood

World - Region
2/19/2011 4:15:24 PM
Hundreds of Tunisians demonstrated Saturday for a secular state following the murder of a Polish priest, verbal attacks on Jews and an attempt by Islamists to set light to a brothel

World - Region
2/16/2011 3:03:45 PM
Jordanian Muslim clerics protested in Amman calling on the government to shut down all nightclubs in the country

World - Region
2/16/2011 1:02:19 PM
Jewish minority in Tunisia feels the tension as Islamists group orchestrated anti-Jewish protests

Egypt - Politics
2/6/2011 11:41:07 AM
After decades of refusing to talk with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, top regime officials will today meet with the Islamists

World - Region
1/26/2011 3:50:42 PM
Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood say the new measures are not enough as poverty levels are running at 25 percent in the kingdom

World - Region
1/22/2011 2:12:43 PM
For years they were jailed or exiled, but in Bin Ali’s post era moderate Islamists could attract more followers than their secular rivals like to admit

World - Region
1/19/2011 3:58:08 PM
Banned and exiled under the ousted regime, Tunisia's main Islamist movement aims to take advantage of anticipated new freedoms to engage in the country's political scene

World - Region
1/19/2011 3:00:00 PM
Main Islamist party in Jordan calls on constitutional amendments to limit the King's power to name heads of government

World - Region
1/16/2011 3:57:34 PM
Exiled Muslim Brotherhood offers to abandon all its political activities in exchange for being allowed back into the country

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