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3292 results

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
7/27/2015 5:25:09 PM
Three engraved reliefs, recently unearthed in Aswan, are set to change the history of Al-Hoody's Middle Kingdom settlement

World - International
7/26/2015 10:39:27 PM

World - Region
7/25/2015 7:26:02 PM

World - Region
7/25/2015 12:45:11 PM

World - Region
7/24/2015 2:55:33 PM

Arts & Culture - Entertainment
7/20/2015 10:16:16 AM
Starring Sir Ben Kingsley and Avan Jogia, a three-part miniseries 'Tut' is being aired on Spike TV between 19 and 21 July

World - Region
7/19/2015 6:17:56 PM

World - Region
7/18/2015 4:37:08 PM

World - International
7/18/2015 10:12:14 AM

World - Region
7/17/2015 9:51:16 AM

World - Region
7/15/2015 3:11:07 PM

World - Region
7/15/2015 12:00:00 PM

World - Region
7/14/2015 4:36:39 PM

World - Region
7/13/2015 11:48:02 PM

World - Region
7/13/2015 10:35:37 AM

World - Region
7/11/2015 11:19:08 PM

Arts & Culture - Screens
7/11/2015 10:42:06 PM
International art community reacts in sorrow and with memories to the news of the death of Egyptian actor Omar Sharif who passed away on 10 July at the age of 83

World - Region
7/10/2015 3:04:12 PM

Opinion -
7/6/2015 3:27:37 PM
Recent attacks in Egypt, Tunisia, Kuwait and France, set against the backdrop of the 10th anniversary of 7/7 London bombings, indicate that terrorism will long remain a nightmare in need of coordinated international action

World - Region
7/5/2015 7:52:44 PM

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