Search Result
" Kissinger"

37 results

Opinion -
5/18/2021 6:51:56 PM
Kissinger finds that balance and stability are the keywords to avoid a war between the US and China

Opinion - Test Page
4/21/2021 11:04:00 AM

World - International
3/26/2021 7:03:01 PM
Kissinger said the United States would likely find it difficult to negotiate with a rival like China that would soon be larger and more advanced in some areas

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
3/12/2021 4:20:00 PM
Veteran Egyptian diplomat El-Sayed Amin Shalaby explains his view of world affairs in an interview with Al-Ahram Weekly

Opinion -
6/19/2020 6:00:00 PM
The realist school of international relations has once again expressed its tenets in vocal adherents amid the Covid-19 crisis. But perhaps we need something more

Opinion -
4/18/2020 1:39:00 PM
In the wake of Covid-19, Washington in all likelihood will remain a leading superpower, but will not be the sole arbiter of world affairs

World - International
11/25/2016 2:25:41 PM

World - International
11/18/2016 4:14:28 PM

World - International
11/17/2016 9:59:14 PM

World - International
11/17/2016 7:39:38 PM

World - International
11/23/2015 3:36:19 PM

World - International
11/19/2015 11:18:53 AM

World - International
11/16/2015 10:03:35 AM

Opinion -
10/5/2013 9:54:13 PM
Going to war in October 1973 was a necessity for Egypt. There was no other way to take back Sinai. But this hard-headed realism didn't last into the years that followed the 1973 victory

Egypt - Politics
9/16/2012 5:49:01 PM
Flagship daily Al-Ahram mistakenly publishes satirical quotes attributed to former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger – in which he suggests that world war is looming – as authentic

Sports - World
6/5/2011 1:22:31 PM
Former American statesman Henry Kissinger says he has yet to make a firm commitment to become an advisor to football's world governing body

Sports - World
6/1/2011 9:24:48 PM
Newly re-elected FIFA President Sepp Blatter is turning to former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to help investigate problems within world football's governing body

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