Search Result
" Laws"

914 results

Arts & Culture - Film
8/11/2011 4:29:48 PM
A raft of shows, including El-Rayan, El-Sahroura and Monsieur Ramadan Mabrook Abou El-Alamein Hamouda have run into legal problems this Ramadan

Business - Economy
8/7/2011 1:29:22 PM
Shareholders in one of the country's leading food producers are eying a boycott of company products to pressure the chairman into meeting a legal demand it repurchases 28.5 million shares sold at average market price last year

World - Region
7/27/2011 8:42:14 PM
Tunisia's interim president Fouad Mebezaa extends state of emergency indefinitely

Egypt - Politics
7/24/2011 5:29:39 PM
Numerous political parties and presidential candidates have announced their rejection of the latest amendments to the two laws aimed at regulating the upcoming elections of the two houses of parliament

World - Region
7/21/2011 5:08:52 PM
Iran's president calls for historians to compile documents on foreign occupation in the 1940s, with a view to filing an international lawsuit

Egypt -
7/21/2011 4:56:53 PM
Two new laws aimed at regulating the elections of Egypt's two houses of parliament have been met with wide scale criticism from across the political spectrum

Egypt - Politics
7/20/2011 3:50:20 PM
Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces will give a press conference today from the defense ministry

Egypt -
7/4/2011 3:59:30 PM
In the longest cabinet meeting in recent memory, Prime Minister Essam Sharaf's government has approved two new laws regulating parliamentary elections slated for September

Egypt - Politics
6/21/2011 4:31:45 PM
Men, gathering in front of the Cabinet offices, protest Egypt's family laws which they believe favours women and prevents them from practicing their roles as fathers

Egypt - Politics
6/18/2011 2:44:12 PM
Human rights organisations suggest watchdog committee and penalties for badly-needed anti-discrimination law currently being drawn up by Egypt's ministerial council

Egypt - Politics
6/7/2011 6:28:25 PM
The leading international human rights organisation spells out the reforms needed for freedom to flourish in Egypt as it calls on the ruling military council to have 'thicker skin' and reply to criticism rather than silence it

Egypt - Politics
5/25/2011 5:31:37 PM
Egypt’s ministerial council postpones amending the laws that govern parliament elections in order to first tackle questions on the voting system itself

Egypt - Politics
5/22/2011 2:36:41 PM
Egyptians demand justice after certain corrupt figureheads were released from jail. Ahram Online gets the take from legal experts on how to prosecute them under laws that the old regime created to suit themselves

Business - Economy
5/19/2011 2:26:48 PM
The real estate tycoon is disputing the conviction of its chairman on land-related corruption charges

Business - Economy
5/14/2011 12:16:25 PM
Industry experts say revisions to telecoms laws should limit the president's powers to cut off phone and internet services to guard against abuse

Egypt - Politics
5/11/2011 6:23:45 PM
Essam Sharaf offers a momentous pledge to appease Copts protesting recent violent attacks against them as after 80 years of restrictions on church construction, a unified code for mosques and churches is on its way

Egypt - Politics
5/10/2011 5:03:25 PM
The ministerial legislature group approves a law to create the "City of Science", and reviews laws regulating political participation and Egypt's electoral system

Opinion -
5/3/2011 12:48:23 PM
Osama Bin Laden’s death proved what he said in life: that the United States couldn’t kill or arrest him within its own laws

Egypt - Politics
5/1/2011 11:26:19 AM
The committee charged with investigating the ousted president Mubarak corruption investigates the properties of Alaa and Gamal Mubarak's fathers-in-laws

Egypt - Politics
4/29/2011 4:40:12 PM
Mubarak’s two daughter-in-laws, released today, presented proofs early this morning that they gained their land and business before marrying Egypt’s ousted president’s sons

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