Search Result
" MYC"

5 results

World - Africa
7/16/2023 3:52:00 PM
The African Union's fifth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting (MYCM) kicked off in Nairobi on Sunday, bringing together various regional economic groups and mechanisms to accelerate continental integration.

Egypt - Foreign Affairs
7/15/2023 3:46:13 PM
Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi arrived in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, on Saturday to attend the Fifth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting (5th MYCM) of the African Union, Regional Economic Communities, Regional Mechanisms and African Union Member States.

World - Africa
7/12/2023 8:41:45 PM
The African Union will focus on boosting continental integration during its fifth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting (MYCM) set for 16 July.

World - Africa
9/10/2020 11:09:55 AM
For Ahmad, a 45-year-old from El-Fasher in western Sudan's war-ravaged Darfur region, the first she knew something was wrong was when her foot swelled

World - International
8/27/2012 1:21:02 PM
The Kenyan Islamist cleric who is on a US sanctions list for engaging in acts that directly or indirectly threaten the peace, security or stability of Somalia, is reportedly killed